Because people point out how bad the website is but refuse to post the video link for some reason:
wow I love it, it’s so artificial, corporate, bland and full of dead smiles. Fantastically dystopian.
I honestly don’t see a difference
That hand though
It’s hard to find a difference but in all AI videos, human eyes blow a little too much and that gives it away for me.
Wow. Yeah that’s a shitty ad.
deleted by creator
Oh ew. That’s a mess.
And each shot can only last like 5 seconds from AI limits but each shot looks like a shitty photo morph effect with the weirdest shots…
That’s just bad. Like straight up bad and makes me officially root for the complete destruction of coca cola. I’ll drink something else.
Each shot actually only lasts 1 second.
Of course they couldn’t even hold for longer than that
And here is the original:
The comments on this video are hilarious hahahaha
This was a very unsettling video.
Spoiler; it was always soulless and dystopian.
Bu… but consumerism is tradition and culture. Coca cola is love, and friendship and happiness.
And hot girls to fuck.
lol … this will be our future … we will exist in a dystopian reality of climate catastrophes and a warming planet, creeping fascism, endless war … while we will be steadily fed a diet of AI generated sentimental slop from our a recent past that no longer exists.
NPCs will get upset when somebody brings up that it is fake…
Watching it, even if I didn’t know ahead of time it was AI, the stuff with Santa giving the guy the Coke looked so unnatural that I would have to assume it was, at the very least, badly-done CG.
It is 5 second scenes with jump cuts. If you pause any particular scene the AI shows itself really fast. (The fast jumps are a good cover though)
The road in town shot is fucked if you look at it for like longer than a second. The road is literally like fractured. Maybe it was for American infrastructure realism.
5 seconds would be fucking long for AI, those scenes are merely 1.5 sec at best. Coca Cola should really have known better to not use AI for such an iconic Ad. I’d really love to know how much money they burned for their Real Magic AI.
Yeah the AI videos still really feel mostly like a parralax effect with a background and foreground image. Some of the cutting edge can do more, but I’ve gotten the feeling it’s a lot less consistent/stable.
I hate the ad but I hate the website with the 100 ads even more OMG it took me 5 minutes to finally be able to click on youtube fast enough before getting ported to the top screen without being able to move.
Ads are shit. AI ad is also shit.
So surprising.It’s still iconic. It was always soulless.
Iconic diabetes drink.
Just when you thought marketing people were already the lowest scum among legal professions they sink even further.
It’s always has been.
Nah the part about “made by AI” is probably new.
The ad is from the future, where AI becomes advanced enough to make it
It was sent back in time to warn us about AI, but the message probably was missed
It is hard to ignore the similarities between the commotion around the use of AI in making art, to that of using CGI in the early 90s, 00s, and even now. Of course, the former is more vehement.
soulless and creepy dystopian
It is an ad. That too by a mega corporation known for their unethical practices, what did you expect?
In case, the Piped link does not work
Thought: they paid through the nose for this
Thought: if it was good no one would have noticed and no one would have talked about it
Thought: the spokesperson sounds like they hate it too - but that’s probably not relevant
Conclusion: it’s Donald Trump marketing, i.e. it sucks and people who care about will talk about it but the people who don’t care just hear “Coca Cola”
It was collaborative, they made their own AI in partnership with the bigs. It isnt too in your face and just looks a bit cartoony in parts but its quick and fine.
Odd they would move from a classic branding moment to update it.
I see better work by people making AI generated gay porn.
Corporation uses tool loved mostly by corporations to create corporate advertising.
Fuck AI. They are now ruining ads. Even fucking TV Shows in India start using AI for story telling like wtf.
Folgers will always have the most wholesome ad.
Mmm, makes me never wanna buy a coke ever again.