• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • To be frank,

    Constructive criticism has not been well received by anyone lately as apparently everyone just sees it as flat criticism and with the rise of internet echo chambers for every group, criticism in any form immediately points you as an other to be ignored.
    People of all walks only want to hear what is convenient and self confirming.

    And also, people are not ubermensch and do not just have a working plan that perfectly replaces this one the same way this one is ineffective. It will take conversation and community to figure out what works. No one can plan or act alone.

  • Oh my God look at that kind of decisive action. I haven’t seen such a powerful statement since Gelinda the good witch just changed her name to just Glinda those rich people that didn’t respond at all to this must be shaking in their boots as they get called out by Grace Tame who is mostly there as a bare bones apology for the systems meant to protect her being directly responsible for her abuse as a way to save face.

    Look good on her for not letting them have the simple easy photoshoot for vapid political wins. It’s just annoying that this is still treated as some huge action when the people it’s meant to call out are basically non-impacted at all. It’s a shame this is as far as a punch they can get for being monsters.