Agent of chaos.
Pole Vaulting
Technically a response.
The account.
Plot twist, it was the mother.
What age did she get to retire from McDonald’s?
I didn’t even know you could get to the point of scrolling tabs, lol!
I’ll never really understand this, I just bookmark stuff. I’ve never had more than maybe 15-20 open at the same time my entire life… Usually it’s just 5 or 6 max.
This patch boosts the likelihood of getting that patch to produce similar results by 50%+
I want old features and less. 😞
(I’m still switching to Linux.)
Keep talking like that and they’re going to take your asshole certificate away.
Unpopular indeed.
Now do a list of people others have compared him to.
It looks like a tasty new flavor of PEZ that has been through some tough times.
WTF? My boy Tim didn’t deserve to go out like that!
Man, how much of a pain must it be to shave around those giant moles every day?