Nope, but yes, it was even worse while I still had windows.
Nope, but yes, it was even worse while I still had windows.
YouTube on Firefox is a complete no go as far as I’ve tried. And not sure how much Firefox is to blame since other video players work just fine on it.
But no, I’m using Opera or other chromium browsers for Youtube nowadays. Still jitters from time to time.
Honestly feels like that’s necessary, with how much youtube jitters on my gaming rig. At least before I remember that YouTube runs like shit on every machine.
Also European here. And just to bring some more up to date examples.
My colleague bought a nice big flat some 5 odd years ago. If he wanted to buy the exact same thing today, he literally wouldn’t be able to afford it, not even with much worse terms. For the same money he’d need to move to some small dinky house in the countryside.
My aunt bought a flat 7 years ago for almost 1.5 million CZK, and then 2 years later one for 2 mil. Today, they’re both worth at least 10 each.
Income has not grown like that in the past decade. These are arguably successful people that literally wouldn’t be able to recreate their success today, only a few years later. Shit’s going down hill and it’s going down hill fast.
So for me and my GF, buying a house is a pipe dream. We just about manage renting our current flat, which is already cheap, we both earn comfortably above average and she even works overtime often enough. Buying a house or having a child are literally crippling decisions.
Oh awesome, can’t wait to explain how I got a porn site email.
Not earing the turnip?
.ml sucks too. When I’ll move, it’ll be some super niche instance or self hosted.
Capitalism is self defeating on so many levers it hurts. Too bad it has to take society with it. Or rather too bad Americans let it run unopposed.
The nice thing is, you can pretty easily run both and switch around. Just get a distro with one, and then it’s usually just 1 or 2 commands to get the other as a choice on the login screen. KDE and Gnome apps are also largely compatible, regardless of desktop environment.
I’ve been using KDE mostly, it’s just nice being able to customize it so easily without too much technical knowledge of the environment or hoping someone already made an extension for it like on Gnome. Then again, some may like the simplicity of shopping around for extensions and calling it a day, or later even editing the extensions.
Recently, for my tiny laptop I switched to gnome, it’s also just pretty :)
Wait, how the fuck are only Central Europe, Finland and Estonia in support of encryption. What the actual fuck people?
I started programing at such a young age that I don’t even remember how it went. Makes it difficult to teach as I find it hard to relate to newbies. I’m quite used to just learning my self and sometimes hitting roads that lead to nowhere. In the past that I actually remember, I’ve only been learning new paradigms, deepening my understanding of low level stuff and mastering my art. Hardly stuff I can give along to a newbie.
Assuming we can get AGI. So far there’s been little proof we’re any closer to getting an AI that can actually apply logic to problems that aren’t popular enough to be spelled out a dozen times in the dataset it’s trained on. Ya know, the whole perfect scores on well known and respected collage tests, but failing to solve slightly altered riddles for children? It being literally incapable of learning new concepts is a pretty major pitfall if you ask me.
I’m really sick and tired of this “we just gotta make a machine that can learn and then we can teach it anything” line. It’s nothing new, people were saying this shit since fucking 1950 when Alan Turing wrote it in a paper. A machine looking at an unholy amount of text and evaluation based on a new prompt, what is the most likely word to follow, IS NOT LEARNING!!! I was sick of this dilema before LLMs were a thing, but now it’s just mind numbing.
Just another cost of running business.
I strangely find my self praising apple lately. Not because they’re good or because I stopped hating their guts. But just because microsoft has become SOO SHIT!
Apple has also cough up in many regards, tho I’m talking mainly phones here now.
While I swear by Linux, I’m now more likely to recommend MacOS over Windows to people.
I find it amazing, how every time I see a git GUI I’m completely lost and that it’s always completely different, considering it’s the same app underneath and that app doesn’t have THAT many different functions.
Honestly no idea why someone would go around a completely unknown menu in a new unknown editor and randomly click things with caution completely out the window. Not having a copy or trying a blank project, not even reading any messages. I mean even if we don’t know it’s a nuke button, God knows what other edits it could do to your code without you knowing.
This goes beyond rookie mistake. This is something 12 year old me would do. Same with the issue page being 90% swear words.
Ey! Reminds me of my middle-school years! I still can’t belive I made an entire game without a single class… Just storing info in arrays and writing in comments what location represents what data. But I was a literal child, too young to read guides or sit through “long” tutorials.
I don’t want to sound too mean, but whenever I see anything similar at work, I wish that person get a job they’re actually good at. It’s fine and all that the company started hiring actual programmers to fix things, but the fact that the old crew still fucks shit up with senior privileges is a major grievance.
Jesus, reminds me of a similar story. My gf once lost a job to someone who literally just pasted code into LLMs, also delivering quickly, even tho it was hot garbage. Anyhow, she spent a lot of her time fixing his shit and so her output went down. I hope that company burns to the ground with completely un manageable software.
Correction, we went from fanatical Elon worship to a sudden realization, that he’s the greatest scam artist of all time (quite literally, nobody EVER burned more tax payer and inverter money) and went into sudden shock and disbelief.
I writhe heavily every time I see google spit out half true AI answers. Messed me up a few times when it just blindly combined 2 unrelated paragraphs together as one fact. What is the point, if I have to read the page anyways to confirm the validity?
It was the final straw that made me never use Google again. I mean come on, you search for something and 100% of the screen is now just adds or half true AI garbage.
AI art has also largely ruined wallpaper apps and sites. There’s this uncanny look most AI images share and it makes my skin crawl. Then we have the abominations that are AI avatars and emojis…
OH! Can’t forget AI customer support! What a steaming pile of shit! It barely works and lies! Once I wanted to pick up an order my self, because it was taking WAY too long, and the little shit lied about contacting the restaurant! Not to mention the refund policy is now effectively whatever the AI spits out today. Needless to say, we now always demand an actual human.
Honestly, besides apps that are centered around AI and it’s abilities, any other place where it has been forced into has beed objectively worse for me.