Brave is involved in a crypto scam and is backed by conservative evil fuck Peter thiel
Brave is involved in a crypto scam and is backed by conservative evil fuck Peter thiel
It’s called a death cult
Think of the upvotes tho!
Same. Turns out they’re not much different from store brands anyhow
Goya beans
Interesting. Maybe it’s partially a Gaelic thing, since Irish Gaelic is like that too.
Huh, interesting. I learned a little hebrew (modern) and a few words of arabic. I know I learned “yes” in hebrew and thought I also did in arabic. However, as I understand it, arabic is more like many separate languages bound by some commonalities, so maybe that factor is what I am confused by.
As far as “oui” in french, that one I learned about and it’s theorized (from memory, I may be a bit off) that it came from a contraction of two latin words meaning something like “it is so”. The contraction originally started with a hard consonant but it fell off over time, leaving “oui”. It is also an interesting read to look up!
Most of these just seem like basic educational issues except this one imo:
Every language has words for yes and no.
I want to see more than like 1 or 2 counterexamples. I’m pretty interested in linguistics on an amateur level. Don’t believe I’ve heard of that one before now.
edit: in retrospect I do think I remember hearing this about Irish and Latin and some older languages. Interesting to know there are so many. I know the theory that language is related to thought patterns is semi-debunked, but I can’t help but think that things like this indicate something about the cultures associated with a language.
Mac os is pretty bad with that bullshit too
Amen. This is similar to the experience I have too. When I use Windows I have as many if not more problems. If I was only using a web browser, like most non-power users, I would have across the board worse issues on windows.
you wouldn’t say a new horror movie sucks just because it’s about a serial killer holding a family captive in their house and there’s like 50 movies with that premise already, y’know?
Lol perfect classic example of something I would say sucks for the exact reason you named
bland/old fashioned feeling.
Would be described as sucking by many
I think it will get made someday but likely will suck and/or be too late for anyone to really care
I absolutely buy it. I know someone whose job it is to teach kids in grade 6-8 how to read. Some can’t read three letter words. This is in a blue state. This teacher I know frequently talks about most of her colleagues being grossly negligent in a variety of ways.
Token Linux hater of the thread. Have a cookie for fulfilling this important role of reminding us that Linux is the only OS family that ever needs troubleshooting
What is AOVPN?
I got the joke you were trying to make, poorly. It just wasn’t funny.
Say bro a few more times – it really makes me look unintelligent that you both do that and can’t understand a view that isn’t black/white
I’m glad you see my point
The worst asshat psycho drivers in my city tend to drive those things. Good schadenfreude comes from learning this news