They can already generate fake faces using AI: thispersondoesnotexist.com
Lemmy & Fediverse enjoyer 🗿🍷 Unless otherwise noted my posts are under CC0-license
age public key
They can already generate fake faces using AI: thispersondoesnotexist.com
Like expanding Guantanamo by clearing more rainforest? /s
thank you for adding more sources! I am also interested in this. They stacked 7 layers on top of each other. Alternating layer patterns (similar to a brick wall stacked alternating overlap) to prevent gas escape seems logical to me.
So company manufacturing it can make more money with monopoly. Also it had military relevance, if your enemies copy this shit … yout get air-raided. The family holding secret knowledge on this was “Weinling”. Later germans found out on this smh and knitted them in a 7 layer pattern.
The method of preparing and making gas-tight joins in the skins was known only to a family called Weinling, from the Alsatia London area. The sheets were joined together and folded into impermeable layers
Also German-empire had unreliable access to colonies that produced rubber or cotton during ww1. So they used cow gut as a rubber-balloon replacement.
Layers where sewn in secret alternating patterns to make it airtight.
okay I will only torrent .txt
ascii-encoded files then and open them in nano, this will make me totally secure.
… And open all other files I download in a sandboxed-environment
I think it is okay, when otherwise this would be just a bland text-only post, and the image is small/ not attention grabbing.
movies, music and pdfs/ebooks should be “okay” to pirate though, since they are more read than executable programs, right …
Duel of the fates: \//\
good point, organic sharing is better than the addictive algorithm.
Yes, I mean all cultures created by humans, no exception exists, as you seem to imply.
[…] such that men comprise 95% of those convicted for homicide worldwide (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2013). https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/711705
From my view males are to an extent biologically programmed to be right leaning and more violent, always have been. This is why they die in wars and crimes in male on male violence often and stand on top of hierarchies of physical power on average. This risk taking behavior might have positive side effects in case of victory as well. And lets not forget youtube was founded by a pure male team.
Human males are also more violent on average. They commit murder more often. I wonder why? https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/711705
Across all cultures, men are more physically aggressive than women.
In my view, instagram blocking Searchterm democrat for short times is kind of a shadowban … on all democrats
adding to this: youtubes audience seems male dominated. Males are “on average” more right leaning.
approximately 54.3 percent of YouTube male
does shadow-banning create filter bubbles, in a way it demonstrates the power these platforms hold over their users? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_ban
If I try to watch over a tor exit node (using tor anonymization technology). It shows me this message. They really want to know my IP-Address?
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I use it quite often. Chills the eyes when reading. Standardized font(size) and design make this bearable.
lemmy also supports rss! your inbox can generate a rss feed. Also communities have feeds that update whenever someone posts on them. For example for c/technology sorted after active: https://lemmy.world/feeds/c/technology.xml?sort=Active
I guess to get actual value from these videos you will still need to visit youtube.com though, in the end giving them valuable data to analyze.
just a hypothesis: Tracked vehicles do not scale as well as wheeled ones (the chain has to withstand more force, has to have more weight to become stronger …)