That was really skillful driving.
It really wasn’t. The only reason he got sideways was because he tried using his brakes too much. The driver got lucky. The one thing he did do right was keeping his front wheels pointing the direction he was sliding.
When sliding and starting to go sideways at all, it’s time to lay off the brakes. They will only make it worse.
*edit- Just wanted to add that I’m speaking from a lot of experience. Commercial drivers license, 15 years of driving fire engines, tankers, and ladder trucks in all weather. Plus my side job is delivering propane during the winter. I’ve slid on ice while carrying around nearly 3,000 gallons of liquid pressurized propane. That gets your butt to pucker.
I’ve slid on ice while carrying around nearly 3,000 gallons of liquid pressurized propane. That gets your butt to pucker.
I worked yard and now work office around propane, I fucking bet.
When I did diesel driving in a smaller truck myself and about 1k gallons of diesel slid down ~160 ft of mud bill because some jackass left their fucking throw mat out before the rain started, it cmgor covered in mud and when my tire hit it I lost all traction and shit went literally sideways from there
Scariest however many seconds that was in my fucking life, I realized almost immediately I had 0 control over what was happening until I hit some flat land, which I prayed gave me enough time to stop before going over into the dry riverbed, likely flipping
It’s all good, I hit a rock at the bottom going about 15mpg and put a big ass dent in my bumper is all!
So you’re saying all I need is an icy road and some liquid propane?
At 45 seconds you can see there is some in the way going too slow and in the middle of the road! That bus driver would have hit them if they didn’t try to slow down some how. I think they had more skill than you believe.
Believe it or not I’m not doubting your experience and agree with your assessment of laying off the brakes, but can you tell us how you would have done differently to avoid the jackass in front of I’m correct that they were blocking the road?
I would have taken the bus over into the drier looking lane and kept it straight, then tried to slow down, keeping it straight. That guy in front of the bus would have to hope the drier ground would allow me to stop in time. Otherwise he’d have to try getting out of the way, speeding up, or get rear ended. Odds are that the bis could have stopped before catching up to that guy who was in front.
Does this pay well? Sounds like an interesting side hustle.
Great for a side job in my neck of the woods. I make about $27 an hour. You’ll need at least a class b commercial license with air brake. Then you need a tanker and a haz mat endorsement, but those two are stupid easy to get.
Drive to a spot, pull a hose, fill a tank, and go to the next one, mostly.
Sheeesh. Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.
For sure, I bet they received a round of applause for pulling off that save.
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Correct, this would be a job for ESP which has more input data, like steering angle, and can brake the wheels individually. This bus does not have it.
How is a psychic going to help?!?!!
Do they make the brake lights flicker faster?
Now I want a steering angle reading from a psychic
“Do you have an uncle named Euler?”
So the Anti-Lock Brakes don’t work because they are locked up?
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Yeah, this has been my experience. I’ve got ABS on my current car but in winter the main advantage they provide is letting me know when it’s time to pump the brakes if I need to come to a stop. The times I haven’t pumped, let’s just say I was lucky that no one else was going through that intersection at the time.
I suspect they are tuned to avoid locking up the wheels in conditions other than ice/slick snow and the pulse is too quick for the tires to get traction when it releases.
Yep if all the wheels are locked up it just thinks you are stationary, ABS only kicks in if there is a difference like it front wheels lock but back wheels are rolling. Smarter systems (like on bikes) would also monitor motion.
It really isn’t. Stop locking up the brakes.
But I’m prepared to be downvoted by ‘experts’ who have almost never actually driven in the snow.
The driver got the bus and the people in it down an icy slope, and nobody got harmed.
I call that success.
Yes, but skillful is a different thing entirely
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“Task failed successfully”
It’s incredibly skilful and It’s not the correct thing to do.
Clearly not his first ice rodeo…
Maybe not a good thing if he regularly rides sideways.
Don’t kinkshame.
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He’s probably feeling deja vu.
Stupid driving
Some people are skillfully stupid.
Unlike me. I’m just stupid with no skills. Back in 2003, I pressed the preheat button on my convection oven. It caught fire.
Yep. That’s the extent of my cooking experience.
Yeah I’d pull over and wait for the sander. Hopefully there’s one.
Pull over on what? There was no shoulder.
Look left
The immediate left is the lane of oncoming traffic (you can see this late in the video looking ahead). To the left of the oncoming trafffic lane is a meter or so of grass, then a drop off to a ditch. You can see the left tall grass early in the video.
Holy fuck it’s my shoulder!
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That’s some fancy fucking driving! That person deserves a raise.
Oh, I’m sure his blood pressure raised.
It really wasn’t. He went sideways because he was hitting his brakes after it started to go sideways.
Should he have just coasted all the way down the hill? How fast would he be going by then? He seemed to do a pretty good job of braking as much as possible while still being able to steer enough.
Him going sideways meant his braking wasn’t working. If there’s slipping you want to let off the brake and down shift (you can do this in automatics) to the lowest gear that doesn’t make you slip. Staying straight to where your wheels aren’t slipping is a priority over braking or getting slower. The only way of slowing is to have traction, and you don’t want it while sideways.
I would have tried keeping straight and then veered over into the dry lane and started slowing down.
Put it in a low gear. The engine will slow the vehicle and prevent you from gaining too much momentum while still allowing you to control it.
He didn’t do a terrible job though, especially if there were cars ahead of him.
How many Class A busses have you piloted down an icy hill? It looks like solid driving to me!
Passenger busses? None. 52,000 pound fire engines? Many.
Do you have the guy in back steering the rear wheels? That style of truck used to be commonplace when I was a kid, but I haven’t seen one in a long time.
They’re called tillers. The steering radius advancements and ladder construction allowed for shorter trucks that could turn tight enough to stop needing tillers in most areas. They’re still in a lot of narrow and tight big cities like Kansas city, MO. The city I work at is also actually planning on getting one in about 5 more years, so they are still in demand. It’s just that they aren’t needed a lot of times, now.
Neat! Thanks for the information. I vote that you volunteer to be the tiller when you guys get one. That seems like an exciting job.
Oh, I’ll absolutely be giving that a shot. Seems like a blast.
You can see it starting to go bad and then the back tire catches some traction on the slop on the shoulder and he recovers. Sometimes the shoulder saves you.
A gravel shoulder saved me from a spin out one time during a blizzard
Dmv driving tests said it’s best to not break and better to drive slowly to redirect.
Yep. Stay off the brakes, use the lowest gear you have available. Even most automatic transmissions let you select “L” for these situations.
When I drive my manual in icy conditions, I generally stay a gear lower than I normally would as a rule. Much easier to recover.
On my newer PHEV vehicle, there’s an icy driving mode and an L option (even though it’s a CVT, it can mimic a high-torque low gear).
Any idea where this is?
Republic of Sakha, in far east Russia.
Extremely unsuprising
Right there center screen bro damn
Snowtires please
Or at least some chains
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Then everything goes to hell because dude in front of them was driving too slow.
How many points was that?
According to Tony Hawk Pro Skater:
- [360 Fastplant(250 x 2) + Hardflip(300) = 800] Crooked Grind(150+25) *multiplier 3* *sum 800*
You and I went very different ways with this.
I thought they were referring to a three point turn and asking how many points were involved in this turn.
Probably … Probably you were closer to the original intent of the comment.
Videos that end too soon…
Only one of us can ride forever
So you and I can’t ride together
Can’t live or can’t die together
All we can do is collide together
So I skillfully apply the pressure
- Mos Def
No space for drivers, no space for walkers
No space regardless
You’re on my path? Then get off it!
That bus, probablyMos Def
I have a lot of experience driving in icy conditions, but I never would have attempted this.
“I’ll just wait for June, thanks.”Nah. I’m good down here with Helene and Milton.
A bunch of people in a perilous situation: survive
Person filming: sad LiveLeak noisesLooks like dude just lost control and breaks all the time.
If you lock your wheels you can’t steer, just go man! You can break at the bottom.
Edit: don’t go if there is any danger, take a joke people lol. Still driver seems to be an idiot IMO risking the people in the bus.
Nah there were cars ahead, if he gained too much momentum he was screwed, besides he wasn’t just slamming on the breaks, there was roll going on there, just wasn’t helping much. Once he got enough control again he even bothered to turn on his flashers.