Didn’t ask you to bitch in a reply either butcha did
Didn’t ask you to bitch in a reply either butcha did
Learn how to read before making yourself look like a dipshit next time, sweetie
Except for the part where they’re being a moron. Also: user tag indicates this isn’t the first time they’ve done so. So would a look at that: you assumed something and got it wrong!
Your shitty attitude has nothing to do with how anybody has treated you
I never claimed that, do you not know how to read?
Don’t blame others for your personality
I never did, your reading comprehension is trash
You’re missing the point
Which is that corps will use bullshit reasons to do something annoying, but sure, pretend it’s something else
and you’re being an asshole about it
Waaaah, the guy who’s intelligence I insulted isn’t being nice to me
Take a chill pill, my guy.
Why is it every time a corpo ass-licker gets told they’re exactly that this is the response? I’m as chill as can be, y’all are just pathetic corpo lovers. If that upsets you: be better in future
No, I’m continuing my point after they tried to change it
It’s corporate bullshit to pretend bad actors using VPNs are the reason these things are done. Even mentioning it is tiny-brain bullshit, y’all licking that boot hard rn
I mean it’s not corporate bullshit
Yes, it is. VPNs have nothing to do with needing to log in, nor does “”“”““bad actors””“”" have anything to do with it
lots of bad actors also hide behind VPNs
Stop listening to corpo bullshit, you sound like a fucking moron
All you’ve done is throw out a false equivalency and some hyperbole
No, I pointed out that your main argument in your original comment was terrible as it was an equally valid defense for slavery, figuring that if you got butthurt at being called out on it that you weren’t worth engaging mentally with, as anyone of any decency would see that and go “oh fuck dude maybe I should rethink at least that part of my stance”, it’s literally what I said in my comment ffs
you respond with pseudo-intellectual gibberish
My point, non-intellectual as it may be (like basically everything I do), wasn’t gibberish to anyone with basic reading comprehension
Also your comment on slavery is offensive
So you know your argument works perfectly for slavery, can see how it applies and are embarrassed enough being called out on it to be offended, but not to rethink yourself? That response is actually why I included it: easy way to tell you’re not to be taken seriously
That is $3000 my dude, which is easily a single plumbing problem
If you mean busted water and all the repairs, sure, but that’s on the landlord for not ever checking on their property (unless the tenant did something very stupid, which is possible)
I own my home and just had some plumbing work done in California (king of expensive) and 3k is about 10x what it cost me for a couple hours of plumber work
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
You’re charging someone for you doing nothing so they can have a basic need to survive. It’s very immoral
If you’re gonna try to defend an immoral act with
Or is this just bandwagon hate on a common and ancient business practice?
Then Ill assume you’re pro-slavery and move on
Finally I had to choose an app, as there is no official one
It’s called Jerboa and it’s one of the worse ones, but it does exist
Localhost NAS with large storage, Rclone to seedbox, synch, remove old content from seedbox
Source: I have 8TB rn and about to add more, this is how I use my seedbox and store shit
and later rebranding as the Ford Mustang after killing so many in a firey death
It’d be funny if true but the Pinto sold for longer than the Gen II mustang, they just looked similar
That’s Velveeta or canned cheese, explicitly not what’s being discussed
American cheese is an actual cheese product
They missed that American is a mix of cheddar and Colby Jack, so it’s not easy to mix the 2 without an emulsifier
you know that americans cheese is something else
It’s cheddar and Colby Jack with some emulsifiers to make them mix better, that’s about it
Kraft singles have preservatives in them so they’re großer for sure, but that’s not the only kind of American cheese there is
No I DONT know why my keyboard autocorrected that to use the German letter but it’s funny so I’m leaving it as is
I am someone who believes that if we can’t tolerate different opinions in different spaces that isn’t a good way to engage in good faith anyway
So you’ve not been paying attention the last 20 years? Letting Nazis be Nazis on your platform just turns it into a Nazi platform
God, I love what people manage to create
I also love that any time someone asks if (tool) exists in non-evil form and someone says “no, not really” that you can almost guarantee someone will show up with a CLI solution that nobody wants to use because it’s a CLI solution
No shit, almost like I said that myself?
Idgaf if other people consider it reasonable when engaging with it: it’s just true