According to Tony Hawk Pro Skater:
- [360 Fastplant(250 x 2) + Hardflip(300) = 800] Crooked Grind(150+25) *multiplier 3* *sum 800*
According to Tony Hawk Pro Skater:
that’s why they hired Wade. With Wade around, woo baby… there’s no doubt about it now.
Wade is just m something else.
Maybe, but it was the marketing industry that beat that dead horse first. They killed that horse back in the 90’s & it was already pretty lumpy by the time Reddit got ahold of it in ‘05.
Doesn’t make the Reddit use any more palpable, just saying it’s been around for a bit…
You haven’t been paying much attention to the current state of journalism, have you?
Twitter is a decent portion of their revenue stream, and given that none of us want to pay them for their efforts, what do you suggest they do?
Those clicks are their livelihood & we’re all sitting here reading the article pasted directly to this thread.
E: “I don’t wanna pay for the news, I want journalists to forgo their living & only post their work on sites I’m actually willing to steal their content from”
Keep on downvoting children. Y’all suck as humans.
This is possible in the US for sure. My first thanksgiving not at home, I wound up getting my bird the night before.
The smallest one they had left was 23lbs. And it was still frozen.
Burned out two full size hair dryers & one travel size, trying to defrost the bird.
There were only three of us & we drank cognac all day. We didn’t eat until almost 10:30 that night.
It. Was. Terrible.
Baste a turkey with peanut butter. Stuff it with pulled pork/sausage & slaw. Smoke it or grill it.
It’s good any day of the week!
You got a newsletter? I’d subscribe.
Hell. Yes.
Fry up that skin like a piece of bacon. Brine some tomatoes. Mix up some concoction of mayo/gravy/whatever suits your liking…
Dice up that turkey & skin. Press it together into discs with the leftover stuffing/dressing, and brown it up like a patty with some butter…
This goes surprisingly well with a bit of canned cranberry mixed with mayo.
Leftover Turkey sandwich time is the Holiest time of the year.
Wait… Like the Principality of Sealand?
Was Major Bates still there?
My analogy isn’t terrible, it’s spot fucking on. You just use the ice maker & wouldn’t want to lose it so you’ve attached more value to it than the Anova App.
Does the refrigerator not refrigerate without the ice maker? You didn’t buy an ice maker, you bought a refrigerator.
No one is pissed about the device not working. People are pissed that Anova is taking away a FEATURE.
Anova App = Feature included in original purchase price
Ice Maker = Feature included in original purchase price.
This isn’t about the value of what’s being taken away. It’s about the principle of taking away something that was already paid for.
If Anova wants a subscription based model, they’re welcome to it, but…
Their current customers did not buy into a subscription model & have the absolute right to be pissed off about being forced into one.
Would you buy a refrigerator from a manufacturer that wanted to make the ice maker a subscription service out of nowhere?
I get that the app isn’t a requirement for the device, but neither is an ice maker required for a refrigerator to function as designed.
They’re both features advertised as part of the original purchase price. Why does one get an expiration date out of the blue?
The people who are likely to be losing Bluetooth functionality are also the most likely to be from the original kickstarter batch.
Even if some-many of them have already upgraded to a newer model, that’s still one hell of a statement to make to your original backers.
It’s more about the principle. Why is it ok for a manufacturer to remotely disable a feature that was bought & paid for by a decades worth of customers?
Now that they’ve done it once, what’s stopping future attempts to gin up higher profits using the same tactics?
I don’t think anyone here is angry enough to go all Kid Rock on their Sous Vides, but I do think there are plenty who will look at a different brand when it is time for a replacement.
I have an Inkbird & really like it. Significantly less expensive than Annova, offers all of the same features from what I can tell, & it’s never given me any issues.
The app is of course a bit clunky & ultimately unnecessary, but it does actually function as advertised.
I think the bigger issue is that they’re bricking all support for the oldest models, trying to force customers to abandon a fully functional device just because they want more money.
The app subscription fee is obnoxious as all get out, but punishing your oldest customers for your profit margins is what’s a bit infuriating.
At least, imo.
It use to operate only off of Bluetooth, & then they added single band WiFi. They just added dual band WiFi as a new feature & are now removing Bluetooth functionality completely.
Absolutely a cash grab.
A paid slap on the wrist, mind you.
Yeah, just confused as how it applies to a depressed bear. You were spot on.
That bear’s a roadside attraction in Florida. Ain’t nothing lucky about that.
For some reason, I feel like fighting a drunk Russian might be preferred over Florida.
It’s just a lil seepage, I’m sure the teen’ll be just fine. Everyone has at least a few brain cells leak out & drip down their ear… in some cultures it’s considered a right of passage!