Race car drivers definitely don’t put both feet on the gas pedal though… Like, what?
Race car drivers definitely don’t put both feet on the gas pedal though… Like, what?
$900 a month is quite affordable compared to hiring a private chef. It’s all relative.
I’m cheap af, but that doesn’t make me ‘right’. If I made $1000/h or something it would make complete sense to pay $30 for a $10 meal each day if it saved me even just 15 minutes of effort that could be put towards working instead. In that case, I’d argue it would be ‘wrong’ and wasteful economically not to use the service.
Yep. And I’d argue it’s an almost ethical responsibility for those aware of all this to preserve a media archive via piracy. Sort of like those monks that would repeatedly copy old scrolls before they would degrade or whatever.
Who gets to be the parents in this situation?
I really hope you’re right.
What makes you think it was flagged for a large tip specifically, rather than just an unusually high transaction?
It still confused me how they would know it was a $20 steak and $80 tip versus 5x $20 steaks and no tip. It would appear the same, a $100 transaction at Bob’s Steakhouse.
Wouldn’t they just see the total?
Eventually people will say that about the current options lol.
There should be no default percent options at all. None.
‘complete transaction’ or ‘add optional tip’.
Until the idiots all complained about it being ‘creepy’. Ever since the tracking completely continued, but no longer with any benefit to us.
Great job idiots. Why people just don’t opt not to use features they find ‘creepy’ I’ll never understand. They are only satisfied if they bring it down for everyone.
Agreed. Also genetic heritage. I literally didn’t have any choice in any of it. And to pretend my genetic heritage is somehow something to be more proud of than any other genetic is literally racist.
This applies to all races equally.
Dealerships are literally the worst place to take a vehicle for a repair. They are in the car selling business, not the car fixing business.
Haha same despite not being active at all for months now. In any case, the email explains only residents of the USA are eligible.
Hard to call them stupid when they got to use it for free within the return window. Seems like a good deal. I agree with all the other points though.
Just ordered one. I had no real interest, but once you tell me I can’t have one…I must have one.
If Google specifically denied tracking that’s definitely misleading, but I’m unable to find a source for it and don’t recall it myself.
Saying that the sites you visit track you would absolutely lead me to believe that search engines sites are included. Since it would not be possible to provide results for the search without knowing what was searched for by the user. And where would they send those results to without knowing the users IP or other form of network address? It just doesn’t make any sense to think a search engine would not know who searched for what, since it is required for them to function.
I always saw Google as a website too. So if I type ‘giant donkey dicks’ into the url/search bar, then Google is obviously going to know my preference for large donkey dicks. Since I googled it.
Or are these hypothetical common folk typing in full urls themselves or something? If it’s auto-filling in any way, that’s thanks to Google and they can only provide it if aware what has been typed so far.
Yep, I never switched from torrents as I never found anything more convenient.
Aww man I thought I found one! Guess I’m back down to zero people.
I don’t understand paying for streaming media at all… but I’m from the before times.
It really isn’t. Stop locking up the brakes.
But I’m prepared to be downvoted by ‘experts’ who have almost never actually driven in the snow.