Pretty much the opposite
Pretty much the opposite
This is the biggest flaw with Lemmy at the moment.
I think I’m on my 4th account . Mods tend to block me befor I block them, because I don’t adhere to tribal rules.
I’m probably anarchist / socialist politically but I call out bullshit when I see it. People don’t like that.
Does anyone else find this enraging ?
It’s a decade too late.
Right, but you’re smart enough to know it’s the right thing to do. Many aren’t , sadly.
Jokes on them, they are 7 grand on alibaba
It’s incredibly skilful and It’s not the correct thing to do.
yes - it’s a recent thing, no more that a few months I think
If you’re using ddg without !bangs - you’re only having half the fun.
Agree. It’s an important part of media literacy these days.
For political news, I’m only interested in what was actually said, not what is reported to be said .
Not just you.
DDG has deteriorated to absolute nonsense, I’ve used it for years and years.
Recently gave startpage another go - maybe marginally better but still really poor
This is the future we were promised
And you posted it to crazyfuckingvideos.
No mention of transmission methods as far as I understand the article
Too many people left behind in hardship in a time of abundance and conspicuous wealth. Easy for Trump to gains support with populist sentiment. Republicans saw their chance, and held their nose a made him leader.
And yet he was elected to highest office in the land and went very close again 4 years later and will likely go close again.
So there are plenty of “stupid” people who are “ignorant of reality” and they have vote same as you.
It’s very difficult to view things from another perspective, although it’s phrase we throw around a lot .
I never imagined fast food delivery would take off, because restaurants have drive throughs. My bias is that of a car owner and I was wildly wrong.
As you point out, there is a ton of hard evidence about people’s limited political understanding.
FPTP Britain says Good Morning 👋
Yeah look at me flexing on and underfunded non profit.
Not at all hackers are criminals, but many are idiots.