So now he’s turning his back on the oil and gas industry, also the gas/diesel vehicle industry so that he can shill for crybaby Musk. You have to laugh to keep from crying at all the insanity going on in Washington right now
Well when the president asks you to do a car commercial for him do you turn him down? He might find someone else to scowl behind a desk.
They are just rubbing our noses in the corruption now. Problem is, Republicans like it, the like the smell of it, they like trumps hand on their neck as he smears the corruption across their faces. “Yes daddy trump, pwease wub more of uncle ewons shit on our faces”
Dude, were so fucked, the wh press sec talks to journalists like a mad dominatrix. We used to run the world, now the world wants our head, personally I say we it to em
You mean like when he shilled Goya foods from the Resolute desk last time?
Trump is such a whore, he’ll do anything for a dollar
Nobody TOLD Orange Garbage man this isn’t a Business but it’s the government he is destroying duh
100k? For more than half those cars? Bro just get an EV from Hyundai or literally anyone fucking else lmaooo.
Even Rivian is a better option if you still want “luxury”. Priced slightly lower and the quality is much better.
I don’t think Rivian is generally known for quality / reliability:
Yeah but beating Tesla is an extremely low bar.
Tesla is the Apple of EVs. The quality is the same (or worse) but you pay extra for the logo.
Honestly, Tesla’s quality is far less than most vehicles.
Apple has a lot of fair criticisms leveled against it, but their products are at least built as well as their competition. Unless I’m woefully out of the loop. That’s also possible.I can’t speak for Apple quality. But they aren’t environmentally friendly. Batteries can’t be swapped out in newer laptops, and they tend to try and force their customers to always be upgrading. Their updates that intentionally slowed older devices for example.
I’ve had my current iPhone for 4 years, not bought a single replacement cord or anything for it. Apple hasn’t done anything on my device to make me want to upgrade, I’m not sure what you’re referring to.
Of my buddies with comparably priced android devices I think they’ve all gone through 2 or 3 phones in that time frame. Multiple Pixel devices.
The updates that “slowed” the older devices was for battery performance and was made toggleable. Android devices do similar things.
The iPhone XR, from 2018, still receives iOS updates and older phones still get security updates.
My son is using my iPhone 11 Pro, from 2019. The batter is still fine and I can get it easily replaced if I need to. The phone works, gets updates and nothing is pushing him to upgrade.
You’re not actually right with your criticism here, you’re just biased.
They were literally fined for this. If you had taken a fraction of the time to search that you did writing the response, you’d have found it.
Beyond that, instead of slowing the phone down, they could just make the battery replaceable. And yes, android phones have largely moved away from replaceable batteries as well, but that doesn’t change anything.
and had you read what you linked you’d see how the statement I made isn’t wrong.
It was done for a legitimate reason, not communicated to customers and that’s what the fine was for.
You assert it was for “upgrade” reasons
It was found it was for the reasons I said, they paid a fine and made it more apparent.
Android does the same thing.
You just want to hate one side, which is fine. You can be a tech tribalist all you want.
Just try to be accurate.
No laptop is environmentally friendly. Old statistics, but last time I checked, the carbon footprint for a laptop has basically a train car full of coal. I think Apple was a pretty early adopter of RoHS though. As for updates that slow down the device… Their main competitor is guilty of this too. In October, basically every windows device made before 2016 is going to need to be replaced, disconnected from the internet, or upgraded to Linux.
I’m talking replacing parts and not entire laptops. Which there are plenty that allow this. Macs no longer do.
Tesla is all “hype”. Safety is shit, got lots of quality problems in all the lines. Lots of bells and whistles but you can get on other cars too.
Crazy… one would think it would be illegal to use the presidency to push cars on people.
idk if you realised but trump is above the law
he would’ve been imprisoned for long if he wasn’t a rich asshole
It’s an impeachable offense for sure. If only Congress were interested in separation of powers anymore.
Also if only impeachment meant anything at all.
It absolutely does, but every single Republican is guilty and complicit.
And if you’re trying some “ummmm ackchtually that’s not impeachment it’s conviction” you can fuck right off because you’re part of the problem.
Trump was impeached before. It didn’t mean shit and it wouldn’t mean shit if even if he was impeached again. Your country is broken.
And if you’re trying some “ummmm ackchtually that’s not impeachment it’s conviction” you can fuck right off because you’re part of the problem.
Anyone got one of them nitrogen based end it all capsules? I think im done with this shit. 😆
How do you get him inside though?
Put a $100 bill inside and when he goes to snatch it close the door. Dude is a whore.
This is one of the only ways to make used car sales people look ok, WTG trump you are failure of such a degree that you made the people that everyone hated sleep just a bit better tonight.
The great taste of Charleston Chew! (I wish all of this was a joke)
Make some more witty comeback comments on X instead of going out onto the streets. That will surely show them and puts an end to this.
do you, uh, see any irony about what you wrote there at all?
I feel like they didn’t need a /s…
Think of the upvotes tho!
If anyone hasn’t noticed, his job now is to sign things and shill for whoever pays him the most at the moment. He doesn’t need votes anymore because he’s either unable to run again or will simply refuse to leave or have a hamburger speed things up. He doesn’t care… He just says anything to anyone for his sponsors.
You think he would not get votes again? Mate, many of the people he fires are STILL supporting him.
The point is that he cannot get votes again due to term limit. If he stays in power, it has to be through some illegal way, in which case they won’t bother with votes.
I didn’t say he wouldn’t get votes, he doesn’t need elections anymore to keep his ass in the chair. It’s done, he is in his 2nd term. Americans aren’t of any concern to him as long as a line of millionaires and billionaires keep kissing his ring. Nothing he passes will be for anyone, just against stuff his donors don’t agree with.
But what about his 3rd term? He’s going to need to put the work in to make that happen. Not in gathering many votes granted, but to ensure the election falls in his favour when the time comes.
Thankfully for him, as you say, he has a close symbiotic partnership with the rich, and they along with the government staff he is putting into position (and purging those who aren’t loyal to him) are the ones who control the voting process. So, with a little hard work, mostly done by other people, he’ll win the next election.
If he bends things enough to break an amendment, why would he even bother with keeping it based on voting?
There will not be an election for his 3rd term. If he’s still alive, he will stay without an election and no one will get rid of him.
If JD becomes president, he also will NOT go anywhere at the end of the term. If you think this isn’t true… just wait.
It’s called a death cult
It’s called religion. The cognitive dissonance to ignore reality and evidence; to just “have faith”.
Remember the running joke in Futurama where whenever President Nixon of Earth does a speech he does an advertisement?
That was supposed to be a joke, not a manual.
Gunderson’s nuts!
Charleston chew!
Man needs to moisturize.
That yellowed thumbnail.
From WebMD - “Yellow Nails: One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or psoriasis.”
diabetes would make sense, and if he developed that in recent years… maybe he isn’t talking it seriously and we get to see him really fall apart
Uncontrolled diabetes (presumably type 2) might also at least partially explain his rapid cognitive decline. It’s systemic so it hits you everywhere.
He could sell his various parts as they fall off. What’s a trump toe worth you think?
Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.
Assuming standard sheet size, his prepared text is in 20pt font size.
Just pointing that out to anyone curious about his eye sight and/or literacy.
Edit: Didn’t mean to insinuate anything specific, just thought it looked strange and tried it in Writer. I honestly expected it to be >30pt, but figured I’ld mention it anyway.
Anyone at that age will need giant font if they want to avoid the appearance of reading glasses. Even the comparatively younger Kamala Harris is old enough to need either that or reading glasses.
Once you get to mid-40s, unless you were pretty nearsighted to begin with, you are pretty much in the same boat.
I think that’s pretty standard for public speaking. I’ve been printing stuff that large since highschool with decent eyesight. You just print as large as you can while keeping it all on one sheet
The ability to read does not necessarily mean literate.
Yeah it’s been known for years he can’t see shit. But he is too vain to wear glasses in public. He does wear them in private, there are some pics out there. Which is pretty normal for someone his age.
This is part of why his speeches are always so weird and fucked up. He misreads because he needs his glasses and then makes shit up to try and cover for it. The speech prepared is usually evil and fucked up in different ways, but at least coherent. Then when Trump tries to read them a lot of nonsense comes out.
I don’t think that really tells anything. For public speaking, having good readable notes is essential. Honestly, I’m surprised it’s not all 100pt sharpie.
He does seem to always squint.
That’s smaller than I print for notes and I can see just well enough to legally drive without issues (plus unlike trump, I actually know how to)