Damn. What’s the difference between elon and a petty theif?? At least petty thief’s have some morals. Elons moral compass is stuck in magnetic vortex spinning him out of control
Damn. What’s the difference between elon and a petty theif?? At least petty thief’s have some morals. Elons moral compass is stuck in magnetic vortex spinning him out of control
Those cops punch like I do in my dreams. Throwin hay makers and not landing a single shot. Pathetic
Stuff probably makes your dick shrink and gives you cancer anyway
All about the trumps just doesn’t slap like Benjamins. All about the trumps sounds like a nightmare of a reality show
What this guy said^^ focus on the real issues and watch out for the other sleight of hand cause in the end that’s all it is. They want us bickering with each other while closed door deals are being finalized
Any and all politicians are open to scrutiny imo. They are PUBLIC servants and as such they should get called on their collective bull shit.
The democratic party has failed us in a massive way. That’s just facts. The republican party is a circus with an orange ring leader. None are doing their jobs in a way that truly helps the people, when they enter politis they start thinking of themselves and how lobbying can make them rich. There are only a few exceptions, Bernie, AOC etc…
If you’re young enough the trades are definitely a good idea. If you’re 35 yo or older I wouldn’t risk it, for one youll be paid very very low starting out, two the trades are very hard on your body, and this is coming from a guy that switched to the trades late in life.
Hang in there dude or dudette. Youll be ok in the end
I was so happy when I found lemmy. A great alternative to reddit with a small and kind community. I hope it doesn’t turn into the cancer that is reddit.
I joined reddit in 2013. It was great until it wasn’t
Just like how tvs, phones and computers won’t stop ads until you make full eye contact with the screen with volume up. It’s not here yet but I bet by 2030 we’ll have must watch ads
Nah she just larping as a journalist
Pretty popular opion though, isn’t it?
Whitepeopletwitter was a cancer on the internet. While I don’t agree with it being banned, it was an awful, endless far left echo chamber. As a person on the left myself, they made us look bad
Cuz horny. It’s fun with the right partner
deleted by creator
Ok. But the first one i see and im canceling
My tacoms 4wd knob is directly next to the ac knob. It’s crazy stupid
The fuck is a griddy? Is it a new dance craze like tge Harlem thingy?? Fuck I’m old
That’s why left needs to arm themselves, and train. This isn’t just memes and shit talk anymore, these dorks want blood and as such us on the left needs to be ready
Buncha wanna be tough guys play dress up and practice their high-school ass color guard routine.
They are just rubbing our noses in the corruption now. Problem is, Republicans like it, the like the smell of it, they like trumps hand on their neck as he smears the corruption across their faces. “Yes daddy trump, pwease wub more of uncle ewons shit on our faces”
Dude, were so fucked, the wh press sec talks to journalists like a mad dominatrix. We used to run the world, now the world wants our head, personally I say we it to em