The article goes into more detail? If people aren’t willing to read past the headline that’s their own fault. We can’t babysit grown adults.
Hi there!
The article goes into more detail? If people aren’t willing to read past the headline that’s their own fault. We can’t babysit grown adults.
I agree, I don’t want my browser provider to collect any data on me at all, but if they absolutely must gather the absolute minimum system analytics stats or such they should NEVER pass it to a third party for ANY reason.
You make a desktop browser application, that’s your job, to provide a portal to the world wide web, nothing more. Stay within your bounds and we’ll never have any problem.
Yes you’re right, the government should absolutely make child rape jokes, if people get angry about it you should just ignore them. Of course. That’s just wise government policy, it shows how highly respectable those in the government are.
You’re saying if the workers at that company wish to raise an issue as a group, like holiday hours, pension plans, or clothing policy changes, they should simply… murder their boss?
Seems a little extreme, no?
If there’s anybody keeping a record of our actions I want them found and shot!
How do you accidentally sack someone?
You have to specifically choose a person, presumably with an actual reason for sacking them, then reach out to them specifically to inform them of their sacking.
In my country you also require a valid reason for doing so, you can’t just randomly sack someone, I imagine in this case it would be being made redundant.
So, you decide your staff are no longer required and if their contract allows you to let them go (or you just pay the big severance or whatever), okay cool.
Then you… change your mind? What?
That’d be a deeply incompetent employer. Like, buffoon levels. I wouldn’t go back to working for someone like that. If nothing else, they’ve shown how little they care about their staff. Not worth it.
That’s because it’s illegal and you’re committing a crime on behalf of your employer.
Yes, when I visited the USA during COVID people actively got into my face and coughed at my face. Intentionally, to be clear.
This was out in public in places like supermarkets.
Absolutely abhorrent people. I’m glad I’m back in Europe for the next pandemic, much safer.
I think the term is Nazi Collaborator.
At this point if you’re still working there knowingly building a powerful fascist gathering platform after so much time available to leave, taking dirty Nazi money as payment for your services…
I dunno man… should I feel bad for the staff, or are the remaining staff complicit enough at this point?
Given that he was the one that called for it to be banned extremely vocally, and he’s not been able to keep it banned for more than a few hours even as the now leader of that country, seemingly caving under pressure to flip his stance on the matter (showing off the bat that he’s very politically weak)…
I don’t see how this makes him look anything but weak, or inept.
I’ve never even looked at it. Vine was pretty cool but then it died, Periscope was neat, but I dunno, something about Tiktok feels predatory, how addictive it is (from what I’ve seen of others using it).
Plus while they’re all as bad as each other, I still trust China less than Microsoft with my stuff, so yeah. I’m just not interested in it and don’t really see the appeal for myself. But I see why it’s popular and it’s not like, terrible, as a concept.
You call that a smash? Stop sensationalising, come now.
A car gently tapped a thing during a turn and came to a stop.
Interesting, I’d never trust any USB cable to push anywhere near 100 watts anyway haha good god, the most I ever do is maybe 20w at 5v.
I’ll keep that in mind when buying cables in the future though this is very useful info!
Yes mate! I checked mate, you’re right mate!
They wanna ruin AI like they ruined their Chocolate after they got bought out by that shite company Kraft?
Cadburys tastes like crap now the same way American chocolate does, such a bloody shame too :-(
WhatsApp? The instant messenger boomers use on their phones?
Damn, who saw that coming.
But what about his 3rd term? He’s going to need to put the work in to make that happen. Not in gathering many votes granted, but to ensure the election falls in his favour when the time comes.
Thankfully for him, as you say, he has a close symbiotic partnership with the rich, and they along with the government staff he is putting into position (and purging those who aren’t loyal to him) are the ones who control the voting process. So, with a little hard work, mostly done by other people, he’ll win the next election.