How many story points is it to get to 2nd base?
How many story points is it to get to 2nd base?
I don’t know why but the “There is no God in this” got me full on belly laughing
“LONG LIVE THE REAL KING," said the video showing an AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump
What reckless journalism. It would be much more accurate to say “an allegedly AI-generated Musk getting his feet sucked by Trump”.
I’ve seen no concrete proof that the video is not authentic. It’s with in the realm of possibility that Elon has two left feet.
The whole thing was pretty damn good all the way through. The only thing that had me wondering was
Until it got to
Well played.
Oddly enough, on my first development project I was paired with a “senior dev” who turned out just to be a guy in his 60s who had never actually coded before, so… just a senior.
I ended up doing 100% of the coding, but the guy managed to keep his job for a few months.
Isn’t it crazy that basically every election at this point is basically like:
JFC is their moto seriously “The people voted for major reform”? First, they barely won and are acting like there was some monumental landslide victory.
Second, none of what they’re doing is actually what they campaigned on. Trump actually tried to distance himself as much as possible from Project 2025 during the campaign.
I had a management class years ago in college where the professor made the argument that in order to be ethical, every single action a business makes must be done to increase profits for its shareholders.
Charitable donation? Only if it increases public perception in a way to be justified by the cost.
Pay your employees well? Only if paying them less would cause you to lose them to your competitors.
The list goes on. It’s a very depressing way to look at the world. But as time goes by, I’ve realized just how accurate that professor was. Companies don’t give a shit about you and will turn on you the second it makes their quarterly numbers look better.
Lol had never seen that before, but Jesus Christ that is a painful depiction of my life.
It’s kind of funny, but we all do this to some extent. I used to think most people on Reddit were super smart. If someone says stuff with authority, then it’s easy to believe what they’re saying and assume they know what they’re talking about.
But then every once in a while, I’d come across a topic that I know deeply about - and the comment would just be blatantly wrong, but still have tons of up votes. It really made me start second guessing all the other comments I had read and thought were smart, but it’s an easy trap to fall into.
I guess what I’m really saying, is that you all are a bunch of morons, probably.
Peak irony is that the first ad shown is them trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.
I don’t understand why they’d make this a separate app and not a configurable setting in Messages.
Exactly, they were taking reservations at the $40k price for a really long time. I was looking to buy an EV in 2021 and at that price, it was significantly cheaper than anything being sold. I laughed at how fucking ugly the thing was, but it was so cheap that I didn’t hesitate to put down a reservation.
Then when it was released, it was like $100k. Ain’t no way am I paying that for that piece of shit. And in the meantime, Elon went full on Nazi. I could kind of ignore his dumbfuckery back in 2021 but not now.
It’s impressive and also a little bit depressing how accurate that quote is from almost 2,500 years ago. Shows humanity really doesn’t change.
Yeah I figured we had a year or two at least before slowly taking off the mask and showing the true fascism. This was just right out of the gate.
Wtf I was expecting that to be taken out of context or something. But nope, that’s just a straight up Heil Hitler salute.
Maybe the user was banned because of bad design?
Here’s an image of the playing cards, for anyone who just came to the comments.
What absolute fucking dumbasses…
You kind of answered your own question there.
How do you get him inside though?