The cherry on top is that he just made the website in his downloads folder and not a new folder for the project.
I’m Guessing he downloaded it from chatgpt, hence the location
That’s a given, but now he has an entire website in his download dir. So all the scripts, images, child pages, directories, etc. are all over the folder’s contents.
If he tried to publish, he would have to find every single dependancy and upload them, which would then require somebody competent to figure out what he missed.
What I am saying is web devs are safe from AI taking their job, for now.
What makes you think this index.html is more than a single <p>Hello World</p>?
Yeah, you know you can put CSS inline / in the header, and images can be base64 encoded and put in line as well.
Same with JavaScript. It’s probably a whole single page website with no ability to cache anything and can never be bigger than the context window
Anybody that cocky and stupid would never present a simple test of concept as evidence.
They 100% asked AI to make an E commerce or company page.
You are asking a lot from the cocky and stupid
I have reasonable expectations based on the hubris of people ignorant of both AI and what they use it on.
As a web dev I’m not worried, but chatgpt has been useful figuring out some Godot/C# oddities that come with learning a new language. I worry for the new people who will just use what it says and not learn anything.
Even then, it will spit out methods and signatures from different but similar libraries (litedb and sqlite for instance)
But like @[email protected] said, I was expecting it to be a single page, probably rammed with unnecessary JavaScript.
AI is a great tool, but that’s all it is. It’s absolutely not a complete solution.
Its good for stuff that is vague or hard to google.
It’s interesting because it lets regular people with little to no training produce software.
It isn’t great software, it doesn’t always work… but considering the amount of software that an untrained person could produce previously was exactly none, it’s a pretty interesting development in technology.
and, it’s only going to get better.
It’s .html, I am not expecting many dependencies.
itt: people genuinely think this joke is real
I dunno bro, I can really see how the chicken could be enticed to cross the road by virtue of his chicken instincts. I’m something of a biologist myself
It’s so we can download all of his downloads from his web server.
My downloads folder is a fucking mess and I’d absolutely do that.
Mine is definitely a junk drawer of random nonsense that is tens of gigs in size.
I wanted to recover files from an old hard drive for a Linux install I had for about a decade, it was not fun to look through for the handful of files I wanted.
My windows one was full of usless .exe installers.
I decided to sort my downloads folder into directories and it’s so worth it
My downloads folder is only temporary. Like inbox in E-mails.
Why? Just sort by Date
Keep 3 folders on your desktop, “In” “Out” and the trash that’s built in to most DEs. Put things you want out of the way in “In”, move them to “Out” when you’re thinking about getting rid of them, if they’ve been in “Out” a long time move them to trash.
I think there really needs to be a “long term” of some kind. I definitely have files and templates I only use once a year.
That’s what the rest of the drive is for 🤣
Help! Rest of the drive is filled with total junk
<html> <p>Hello world</p> </html>
This didn’t tell about your cookie policy and there was no streaming video of something I have no interest in. And where were all the ads?
I need to know if there are hot single moms in my area!
Loads better than most websites and works flawlessly on mobile.
Well at least this may very well work as intended
This guy fucks
“Hey ChatGPT! Build a fully functional turnkey ecommerce website.”
That seems really round-about.
import Money Money.make('rain')
Python really does have everything
Sometimes they block that, so you have to do this instead:
me.accountBalance = exploit.infiniteMoneyGlitch();
You only get access to that method if you were born with rich parents, though.
if revenue.isTaxed(): exploit.commitFraud() else: me.callDaddy(moneyPlz)
Isn’t that what they did in Superman 3?
“Make me the most generic hello world in ReactJS.” Wow it’s so smart and conscious!
Oh and make it FAST, no loading bars or spinners!
I’m just surprised it seems to actually be in c/users instead of a OneDrive folder
Probably downloaded it from ChatGPT, that’s why it’s in the downloads folder.
Default location of the downloads folder becoming OneDrive wouldn’t suprise me at all
Agree. The default download location on iOS and padOS is iCloud and it’s pretty clear that Microsoft is chasing Apple’s monetization model.
That sounds like hell, imagine running an exe from the cloud
You just invented saas
Why would it run it from the cloud? Any file you try to open is downloaded locally first.
The commenter suggested the file would be downloaded to onedrive. This implies that it doesn’t touch the computer.
Windows has a onedrive folder locally, which is the one that person is talking about. C: users isn’t in the onedrive folder.
I’m not sure you know how onedrive works tbh.
@Whirlybird @potentiallynotfelix
It scares me how many people don’t know this. The amount of people who have sent me and the rest of my team angry emails about how MS Defender is going “beyond its jurisdiction” after removing pirated software from their OneDrive is staggering.
I did a quick install of windows (last year I think?) and it sorted everything into a onedrive folder. documents, pictures, videos, downloads, all that stuff, looked normal from the file explorer, but was sneakily placed into a onedrive folder. it went something like c:/users/me/onedrive/. didn’t realize what it had done until like 2 days later and it gave me some popup about not being able to upload. i don’t even have a onedrive account; it just decided that was how it should be done. no idea what, if anything, it actually uploaded.
now if i have to install windows i have a script from i run before doing anything else. havent had that happen again yet. still, probably best to assume anything on a windows machine is not private.
Sorry but no.
OneDrive would never back up a Downloads folder, that is just silly with the amount of data it gathers. Would fill up MS servers in no time.
The only folders it may put automatically in OneDrive are Pictures, Documents and Desktop.
it literally happened to me but ok
I believe you. When my ex got a laptop, literally every folder was onedrive. Even system folders were mapped to onedrive it was ridiculous. I had to backup all her stuff and manually fix the fuckery in the registry editor before i could uninstall onedrive.
I’m sorry but this is just not true. It does not and never has defaulted to having system folders in onedrive.
It happened. But ok if you say so.
I think it might offer Downloads as an optional checkbox to select on first login, but can’t remember off top of my head. Also, they definitely want you to blow through your free storage to give you a reason to upgrade the storage.
the embodiment of “it works fine on my machine”
Call musk, they need someone like him!
You’re a visionary Ben.
As long as they got that copy and paste terminal code barrier of entry web dev is safe
If Microsoft invented WWW
Now start adding the “Well yes, but if” demands until the system inevitably breaks.
Gerard behavior