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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • It would probably take a lot of information to its grave, but the more known “servers” would probably get crawled by archive teams.

    Also - assuming Discord wouldn’t be replaced by something equally closed off from easy public access - all new information would be easier to access.

    When Discord started, they marketed it primarily as a voice chat software for gaming. I remember them marketing it as “superior audio quality to TeamSpeak” or similar wording (which by the way wasn’t the case). It obviously has chat, video chat and screen sharing conveniently built in which TeamSpeak is only starting to add now in 2025 with the TS6 beta (they seem kind of lost atm).

    I always preferred the decentralized nature of TeamSpeak and Mumble though and at least from my own experience, TS tends to work better with fewer connection issues and better autogain and voice leveling.

    I don’t like the fact that most people happily gave up decentralized voice chat for a centralized alternative and we still use TeamSpeak in most of my circles to this day.

  • Fabric with some performance-enhancing mods is a great choice as well, yes! I’ve been wanting to test it on my server for a while now, just haven’t got around to it yet.

    Paper changes some of the more quirky vanilla redstone behavior, although - again - it’s very configurable so some of that original behavior can be restored.

    I’d mostly base it on which plugin/mod ecosystem you prefer/require.

  • World simulation (ticks) is single-threaded, but things like world generation are multithreaded. I’d recommend Paper as server software as it’s more performant out of the box (vs. vanilla) and configurable (ex. how many threads world generation is allowed to use).

    If you host multiple worlds I recommend spinning up a Paper instance for each world separately and connect them with Velocity.

    Ryzen 7000 should have better single-threaded performance than your i5-9500 but as it’s a VM ymmv depending on whether Sparked Host overprovisions their machines.

  • Speculative execution seems to be the source of a lot of security flaws in many different CPUs. CPU manufacturers seem to be so focused on winning the performance race that security aware architecture design takes the backseat.

    Also, it’s more and more clear that it’s a bad idea that websites can just execute arbitrary code. The JS APIs are way too powerful and complex nowadays. Maybe websites and apps should’ve stayed separate concepts instead of merging into “web apps”.

    I also wonder if it’d be possible to design a CPU so vulnerabilities like these are fixable instead of just “mitigable”. Similar to how you can reprogram an FPGA. I have no clue how chip design works though, but please feel free to reply if you know more about this.