Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
Can your birthday be 10 years ago?
The bar might get pretty ruthless for fake case citations.
People don’t buy them for the price they’ll buy bigger phones. That’s it. That’s the whole story.
They have to make the phone cost $300 less to sell in meaningful numbers. Why do that when they could just not make them at all and sell fewer models at higher prices?
My downloads folder is a fucking mess and I’d absolutely do that.
The EU established an ACI (Anti-cooersion instrument) in 2023 that would be devastating to US interests.
Included in their response would be the suspension of all US intellectual property rights in Europe.
It used to be better. The subtitles were all in 13375p34k if you turned them on, but it looks like they got replaced by the YouTube automated subtitles at some point.
Found someone who can help.
“Why do we have all these IT people? All the tech works fine!”
The suit should be by an American cartography company over the proper US Board on Geographic Names’s official process not being followed for the name change.
I’m actually submitting a name change to the board through the official process. But since the USGS added a bit to the process saying that resetablishing historical names isn’t a reason for a name change, I’m going to recommend it be changed to “The Gulf,” since it meets all criteria for a name change - most importantly that it be a name in common usage by locals. Lots of people refer to it as “The Gulf,” while “Gulf of America” isn’t in common usage.
The most we can do outside of lawsuits is at least try to take the “America” part away.
He doesn’t deny the holocaust. He sees it as a good idea.
Nobody is holding a gun to your head
Give them a few months
That’s like saying all cars are meant for the racetrack or all knives are made for spreading butter.
I own several guns, and none of them are so I can kill. My over/under shotgun is designed for skeet shooting. My 22 pistol is for plinking. My precision rifle weighs 30 pounds with its optic, so is incredibly impractical as a weapon.
Don’t forget getting the interview.
I’ve got the right column on lock. I’ve never had an interview that wasn’t followed by an offer. But I was still stuck in a dead-end job for years trying to get an interview.
Once I finally got an interview adjacent to my field, I was promoted within 6 months, then poached by another organization a year after that and had quadrupled my income in under 2 years.
But it took forever to get that process started.
2026 could be a great year for the Dems in the Senate. The Republicans currently hold 22 of the 33 seats up for election. Depending on how much Trump fucks the economy, it’s mathematically possible for the Dems to hold 67 Senate seats in 2027.
That’s enough to simultaneously impeach and remove Trump and Vance and elevate a Democratic Speaker of the House to the Presidency.
The odds of it happening are almost zero. They won’t win all 33 elections - but they could conceivably get to 60 seats - enough to block GOP fillibusters. They managed it in 2008, and that’s the same Senate cycle up for election in 2026.
Because they’re gonna replace it with “End Fascism”, right?
That order lasted about 10 minutes before a judge appointed by Ronald Fucking Reagan.
Ex post facto laws are expressly prohibited in Article I, so they can’t pass a law criminalizing downloads from before the law was passed.
They can, however, criminalize possessing a copy of DeepSeek. In that case you’d be legally required to delete it after the law passed.
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won’t show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.