Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
Nononono! They’re super-smart! Even when everything they do looks exactly what an incredibly stupid person would do that’s just because they’re playing 1000D chess! They’ve thought of everything so we should all just give up and accept their rule.
Isn’t that what they did in Superman 3?
This is why big projects back then can take decades to complete.
If you’re trying to get from Missouri to Oregon and you end up in Wales then you’ve got bigger problems.
Good thing I’m sticking with GDScript.
A derivative of Minix.
Or at least that’s what Microsoft’s lawyers said.
Yeah, I think he’s the Fourth Physician.
Just make sure you do it at night.
If by “corporate media” you mean Hollywood, they’re in the process of collapsing, too.
You’re never getting back to where you were two months ago. The United States’ elevated position on the geopolitical stage was due to being the last major power left standing after the second world war, and it’s maintained that position mainly through inertia. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
To be fair, the LaserActive was a pretty cool system.
New New South Wales.
It would certainly fit this version of Robocop.
At least that one had big cup holders.
They had different principles when they were founded, but that was a long time ago.
Before January 1, 1970?