I just got this Mac from my grandma because she said it wasn’t working. It boots and lets me go into recovery mode but crashes in a similar way whenever a loading bar starts. I’ve tried booting every different way and cleared nvram. I didn’t see any clearly visible damage on the logic board, and I’m willing to try any ideas as long as I can keep the price of fixing this under $100.
My money is still on the logic board having passed away. Apple has been using logic boards that do this for a long time now. It’s one of the first things to die on MacBooks.
Yep it’s this. My iMac did the same thing and they had to replace the logic board.
Whatever the hell that even is
The logic board is what they call the motherboard (and everything soldered to it)
New compy time then.
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At first I thought this was an OG Dwarf Fortress screenshot
Just some obsidian making process, nothing to see here
Old Intel model?
Try flushing the NVRAM, PRAM, and SMC.
I’ve seen weird issues when settings in there get corrupted. Worth a shot.
It’s really the only hope for a sub $100 repair. If it’s not that, it’s hardware, and we all know Apple makes it so that hardware repair is priced to make a new device a better choice.
Just find one with a busted screen on eBay and swap the boards out.
This is either a problem with graphics memory or graphics silicon.
That puts it into logic board level repair territory, which will certainly push you past the $100 threshold.
when it happened on my pc two decades ago it was faulty VRAM. It’s because when it’s loading doesn’t use GPU. Need to replace the video card that means send the laptop to the e-waste.
edit: it’s m1 mac so there’s no vram, right? So it’s faulty GPU which means faulty SOC = completely wasted?
Yeah, it’s definitely a gpu issue.
Forgot to mention it’s a MacBook pro 2020 (A2289) 13’’
This is either a bug with the graphics driver (easy to fix) or a hardware fault with the graphics chip (new laptop time).
Check to see if the graphical corruption only happens in macOS using something like a Linux live USB. If it’s still there, it’s a hardware problem.
If it goes away, back up her information using Time Machine and reinstall macOS.
I’ll try booting it from a live USB but I’m not very hopeful given how it also freezes in recovery and safe mode. Thank you
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If nothing else, put the main board into the oven for a good reflow.
I unironically tried to boot it after freezing it, but I guess I could try booting it while inside the oven instead🤔
pliz dont
At first I thought this was a patchwork quilt.
Yo op! I found this in my saved items… 4 weeks later: did you get it fixed? Hope so!
No, pretty much everyone I took it to said it would cost 300 to take a look at the motherboard and fix it, but 300 is close to the price of a new motherboard. I’m holding onto it in case I can snipe a working MacBook without a screen that’s compatible for cheap. Thanks for following up!
Thanks op! I can sleep again! ;) good luck
Talk to Apple.
They can do a remote diagnostic to figure out where the issue is. Also try booting in safe mode. Hold down the left shift key while booting.
It does sound like a logic board issue though.
Looks awesome. Don’t fix :)