“Hello police I have a server full of cp, oh get in the van? OK.”
“Hello police I have a server full of cp, oh get in the van? OK.”
Not everyone is in a situation where they can or even want to own a house. Renting is much safer in terms of sudden emergencies. Water heater blows out in a house? Fuck you, 3k to replace at least. In an apartment? That’s a landlord problem.
You mean the woke pope? Apologies for inflicting an ai summary upon you but it does sum it up quite well. A lot of catholics really don’t like Francis.
It’s a unique kind of stupid that deserves recognition.
Too late, Nintendo just filed a trademark for text on a screen, which you are now infringing upon.
New models have LED headlights and they’re awful. They’re angled down, but any sort of hilly back road means you’re blinding anyone in front of you anyway. Halogen are much better because it’s a softer glow instead of a laser beam.
Like 3080 top tier or 5090 ti top tier?
What if I’m using my pi hole with a static DNS address?
Bluh. I installed both but went with plex because it was a super easy setup. I’ll take another look at jellyfin.
Also question: can I access stuff remotely via phone like with the plex app without any additional configuration?
You can’t park there.
Eh, speculation feels almost conspiratorial with what little info we have. The ntsb will figure out the last time the captain farted and whether that had any effect on the crash, so I’ll just wait for their report.
And yet still refuses to print when the cyan cartridge is low.
I hope they listen to me absolutely ripping ass. The idea that some corporate lackey who is noting what I say to feed me targeted ads just has his eardrums blown out by my booty thunder on a regular basis warms my heart.
And many of the people I’ve talked to among different agencies are taking this offer. Those that were sort of close to retirement, for example December and the like.
So wait, is this dumb bitch expecting us to believe these people are forgoing their entire retirement for a few months pay? Or does she expect us to believe that retiring them a few months early and saving one or two months pay (basically fucking pennies) is saving significant government money? I genuinely don’t know what else she could mean.
I guess that’s what they do though. Throw out useless anecdotes, say it’s a good thing, and let the user generate feelings based off it while having no idea what it actually means.
Tap water is already safe in my country so you can just pay $0.50 to access toilets
I now realize what you mean, but I just woke up and for a good 3 seconds or so imagined you slurping toilet water.
This is what the hell we need. I’m sure someone could use an LLM to make natural language processing easy. Until then, I’ll keep listening to music whenever I tell Google to turn the lights on.
It’s an elaborate proposal involving a play on words and luchador masks.
What about the top rope? I already put a deposit on the ring but I don’t want to ruin valentine’s day with a hospital visit.
My app never updated or sent me an alert when gates changed.
That phrase is an incantation to cause aneurysms in racist grandpas.