Why a real person would star a project? When I star a project then my GitHub home is littered with activity from that project. I hate that, so I never star anything
Especially when there’s a chance that the bios update resets the tpm and if the user has enabled bitlocker (automatically done in background without user consent on windows 11 if using a Microsoft account) then they need to type the decryption key to boot again.
Happened twice on my laptop
The manager who approved this need to be fired. Programs need to ask permission to the user before installing, especially when they’re not device drivers.
This is literal malware and there’s also a chance that it might be exploited (example: a mitm Attack exchanges the file that armory crate is downloading)
This kind of Easter egg is not funny at all, developers must avoid undocumented time bombs. I still remember that day 15 years ago when I turned on my Wii and it said that the system files were corrupted. After hours of reverting a full nand backup via bootmii (and losing 2 years of game saves) it turned out that it was a funny April’s fool by crediar, which put a fake system corruption message when you run his program on April 1st. Problem is that his program was a loader for the system menu so it was unavoidable if you didn’t know that.
Like me, there must be someone paranoid that saw that black bar on the screen, saw a weird Christmas.exe running on their system, and starting wiping or restoring old images to “clean” that.
I used whisper to create subs of a video and in a section with instrumental relaxing music it filled on repeat with
La scuola del Dr. Paret è una tecnologia di ipnosi non verbale che si utilizza per risultati di un’ipnosi non verbale
Clearly stolen from this Dr paret YouTube channels where he’s selling hypnosis lessons in Italian. Probably in one or multiple videos he had subs stating this over the same relaxing instrumental music that I used and the model assumed the sound corresponded to that text
Of course it’s possible to own more than 6 assault rifles, right?
Can you do a transfer without mining a block?
No, it needs to be included in any freshly mined block.
Can you include an unlimited amount of transactions in a block to minimize the wasted energy?
No, it’s hardcoded to around 1 mb and since the average is 300 bytes, that translates to ~3000
Can you mine a Bitcoin without wasting an immense amount of energy?
So, by math, you take that immense amount of energy and divide by ~3000 transactions.
You can’t just take in consideration the 3 watts used by your computer in the 300 milliseconds used to submit the transfer, need to consider the whole network
I would be happy to learn if it’s possible to transfer them without including the transaction in a block, that would be groundbreaking and then the electricity used would be 10000x less
please explain how to transfer bitcoin without mining a block, since the transactions are contained there.
You need to take the energy required to mine a block and validate it (a lot, could power a small town), then divide for the few transactions that could be included in just 1 mb.
They impose a size limit on the transactions that can be included, so even if tomorrow the transactions increase 10x, each block could contain the same limited number. Of course, if you only count the electricity used by your machine to send the transaction, it’s just a few milliwatts. The problem is all the garbage calculations that need to be done to actually validate it.
For a generic non personalized spam, IMHO it would be too expensive to generate and track millions of wallets. They could have placed a tracking pixel for much less (they didn’t, the email is just plain text)
If then it’s some targeted campaign, then yes, a dedicated BTC address makes sense as you said
It’s a conservative estimate, it’s even higher than that
Crypto-biased source: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/08/18/how-much-energy-does-bitcoin-use/ (you would expect they downplay the number)
You can just take a calculator and do by yourself the math from publicly available stats https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/
In the past 24 hours a block contains in average only 3500 transactions. Then that block needs to be validated by many other nodes in following calculations.
This is why it’s the most inefficient payment method, very slow (only 3500 transactions in ten minutes instead of few seconds), expensive for the user (transfer fees are high) and power hungry
A program that is supposed to make money when you’re sleeping by automatically trade currency pairs. Usually they aren’t as miraculous as their devs are stating.
It stands as “expert advisor”
I did, because I wanted to run multiple copies of it.
The cracked version was running much more smoothly (10x less memory usage) due to missing DRM encryption
My thoughts on it from a decade ago: https://www.forexperiments.com/2012/10/the-price-of-protection.html
This said, most expert advisors programs aren’t really functional, need a human supervision. IMHO the devs make more money from the sales/subscriptions of their software than running their “money making machines”. After all, if your “completely automated money machine” actually works, why would you bother in paying marketing, DRM schemes to have other people using it?
they fired the guy that single handedly managed meshcommander https://github.com/Ylianst/MeshCommander
it was a tool to remotely control intel vpro machines, intel’s own tool is not as good as what the old ex-employee did in his free time
I tried to seed the torrents but I never found anything that needed seeds, most users download via browser
i installed macos on an external usb drive (surprised it let me do that), then booting from that i installed ddrescue via homebrew, then i was able to copy the files to the exfat partition
wasted a whole weekend for that…
Generally good at supporting phones but not at supporting computers, a 5-6 years lifetime is unacceptable from an environmental point of view.
I experienced it last week when I turned on an old Mac with MacOS 10.7. It can’t run anything. Everything that you download doesn’t run anymore, Firefox and chrome are limited to some ancient version like 40 that breaks every modern website and due to some expired SSL root certificate you can’t access any website that’s using let’s encrypt which is a big chunk.
And it’s like this not from recently but at least 5 years, so it was put in a corner and never turned on anymore until last week
It can theoretically be updated to some newer version but the updater to 10.8 has been delisted from the store so you have to alternatively source that.
For comparison, a PC that was purchased the year prior to that Mac is running the latest version of windows 10 without any issue (except slowness due to the 1st gen core architecture)
An additional problem is that the Mac is stuck to MacOS 10.7, so even if it boots again, I can’t install anything because “this operating system is not supported”. I would need to find some decade old recovery program somehow. Or find another Mac and some USB enclosure
I run chkdsk and it found that 2TB of data! But in 60000 nameless and useless chunks in the FILE.000 directory
hoping the drive tomorrow can last another day of copying…
fucking fast boot, lost my data because it’s assuming hard drives don’t change when pc is turn off
it looks like fast boot in order to save me 10 seconds on boot restored the FAT state from before the copy
i booted on another operating system and i see all the files, but the contents are all wrong, looks like everything is gone…
if you can find an identical phone you can try to enable adb blindly by touching the areas on the screen, then use scrcpy
but in that case maybe just easier to enable mtp via usb
Screenshot is from Windows where dotfiles aren’t hidden by default. And all the lazy developers that created those directories, didn’t bother to set the hidden attribute (See appdata is greyed, because it has the hidden attribute set)