Jokes on them, noise canceling headphones are cheaper than a house
Jokes on them, noise canceling headphones are cheaper than a house
The point the photographer claims they were making is that real is better than AI and creatives are better than programs.
I would love to get a mask made that read “I have tuberculosis”.
Explain to me like I’m five, how does this?
At first I thought this was a patchwork quilt.
Although of course, no matter how much you’re paid random stuff happens and I support assistance for employees. It just seems dystopian to have to offer food for more than 10% of your workforce.
The wages are published, but the school is for profit and decides the salary. Incremental raises are established with union contract.
All fifty bags went within twenty minutes, and they had to turn employees away.
The examiner did not determine a cause of death for the foetus, noting genetic anomaly, placenta abruption or maternal methamphetamine use could have been contributing factors.
How unusual is it for no cause of death to be determined in a post-birth-human case and there still be a murder conviction?
Slidey thing to compare <3
Gender identity is very dependent on external influence, such as society and language, but is usually well established by age five. I wish I had sources for you, but there was a study done on how gender use in native language influences awareness of gender. The more gendered words are present, such as in romance languages, the earlier gender identity is established.
Eight year olds don’t need to know the definition of trans to know if they’re a girl or a boy (gender).
Oh like a noise complaint! That makes perfect sense. Apparently my brain needs to catch up to my fingers.
Genuine question: You can get a dog-barking ticket? I like to think that training would work, but I have never had a constantly barking dog.
Sometimes boycotts won’t make the change you wish they would. However, they make you feel better because you’re no long funding/participating.
Do one illegal thing only
“If they wanted to just kill all the Palestinians they could have by now but they haven’t.”
If this Israeli government wanted to kill all the Palestinians without looking like that was their plan they would bomb them slowly over an extended period of time while making a human shield argument.
That’s not what minority means in the sociological context. Volume is mathematical. Poor people are a minority and there’s more of them than the 1%. Being a minority is about lack of power, prestige and property. And intersectionality is the more formal term, but ‘double minority’ gets the point across.
Speculation: Probably it’ll be mandatory by providers if you attend prenatal care. So it will result in some women avoiding prenatal care putting themselves and their unborn at risk.