But you also get paid less
Trying to make Lemmy a great place :)
But you also get paid less
Tell that to Nintendo, or see the history of The Pirate Bay
They did it to avoid legal troubles, they would not get in one yet but almost certainly in the future
What option do you propose then?
What its needed now more is posts asking for recommendations
What I do is every certain time I make several posts in the communities. I do that because I dont want to think about what I will post everyday and instead I just think it a few times a day. I dont want to be always thinking what to upload. A solution would be making a list and uploading content from there but when you would see too specific things instead of choosing between many of them. I will make the list so I dont flood people sub feed
Can yoy say what they are for shortly? Like, game engine, video editor…
Whats wrong with it? It fills your subscribed feed?
It is not growing extremly fast so it is manageable
Useful to know
Simple Time Tracker (Android app) does exactly what you ask
That doesnt make sense. Disagreing with someone that says Earth is a sphere because spheres are funny doesnt make you a flat earth beliver
Well, you would have here the best products and you can choose only the ones that you need
This is made so that you get what is better not what is marketed as better.
Maybe ask in [email protected] to get more answers
Thank you, the first person that did it. That made me happy
This is a recommendations community so telling people that Win 11 is bloated is unrelated and that there may be better options?
Mac is the same. Linux is the only non bloated OS