I know this is just internal stuff and doesn’t matter much, but you NEVER want to post a *_SECRET env variable.
I know this is just internal stuff and doesn’t matter much, but you NEVER want to post a *_SECRET env variable.
Just wait 20 years. It’ll be underwater.
Well during the never sev0 I’m sure the shareholders will be satisfied with that.
Not yet, but I’m sure the hackers will figure it out.
That said, I’m done buying ebooks from Amazon. Loved my kindle, but replaced it with a kobo last year (after extracting my 500some books and stripping the drm from them).
Now it’s vendors who don’t include drm or libgen.
You know what they say: micro services, macro outages.
No such thing.
Oh dang ok. TIL
I saw gcc and assumed c or c++ but it didn’t look like cop
This isn’t even really C, it’s a bunch of assembly instructions jammed into C
Not that it’s not impressive… but still.
Fair point, I agree. Gets even more fun when I do mtls to MySQL, blech
Haha Jesus, if it’s not even satisfying to fix that’s a real shame :(
Oh yeah, you can be damn sure I’ll never make that mistake again.
One time I was trying to figure out why the MySQL command wasn’t connecting.
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -p6033
Eventually ended up having four different people help me in a huddle. After two hours we figured it out… it turns out the argument is -P for port.
I wasted several thousand dollars of company time with a casing issue 🥴
Downvoted for having an opinion. Rip in peace
Fuck giving Amazon biometrics. If i have to go to Whole Foods i use cash.
Nah it was a pretty immature company at the time, just told not to do shit like that anymore.
Once we ipo’d and put on big boy pants, that would have been at least a reprimand.
Just keepin an eye out for ya! At least you can rotate the secret, no big deal.