Nice upvote percentage
Fixed it. Hope it holds
I think that’s the point. It’s like deep fried memes. It’s about stupid absurdity. Memes being funny isn’t always a required factor for their enjoyment.
No, but old memes become lame. We need a fresh sex number.
- It’s when you bounce your butts together.
Phew, that number is cursed
Can’t win them all. Best to just touch butts together.
How do you feel about 5318008?
Serious business.
Requires observation, but discretely.
Hehehehehe he said “69” and “420”.
Shut up, Beavis.
“Heh heh heh… My name’s Butt.”
It is stupid and unfunny. Its the kind of thing 13yo boys laugh at. Problem is we grow up, get soul crushing jobs and one day we’re at the Deli counter and ask for about half a kilo of ham, the guy bags it and puts it on the scales and it comes to 420g and you grab some other stuff and go to the checkout and the total is $69. You realise 13yo you would have loved that, realise how little silly joy there is in your life now and contemplate washing your mouth out with buckshot.
69 is just always going to be funny because like you said, I’m stuck in a soul crushing job, and it’s nice to chuckle to myself sometimes.
Lol. Got emmmm. Noice
Comedy is subjective.
Hope this gets 69 updoots
Aren’t most memes “ha he said/showed the thing I know about!” anyway?
It’s like the big bang theory jokes. Mentioning something that someone knows can be enough for people to enjoy themselves.
69 has added sex appeal because of its meaning. Its the “thats what she said” type of thing. “Haha, you said the sex thing”
420 has added naughty appeal because drugs.
Basically its an “ooh you said the thing, and that thing is naughty!”
It’s fine, but not my cup of tea either.
No u
Awww, poor Melber, Kentucky. They can’t help it.
It can be funny sometimes but it can be overdone too much sometimes.
I think some people miss the point. Number 69 is not funny because of sex, it become funny because we like absurd stuff. Whenever I point out “Nice.”, not in a slightest I think about sex position, or I am being horny, it’s just ‘funny’ on it’s own.
My hard sci-fi universe = “the year is 420,421 AF (After Fusion)”
Why? Because it is easy AF to remember, and I don’t even smoke. Like, let’s start out with this, so you know what to expect. This ain’t no authoritarian laser dildo wand flick here to propagandize cultural exceptionalism.
Pretty sure that’s exactly why they are used.