See the benefit to hanging out in your garage wrenching on old trucks is that guy wont be there talking about how a Roth IRA would be a far better investment.
See the benefit to hanging out in your garage wrenching on old trucks is that guy wont be there talking about how a Roth IRA would be a far better investment.
You’re both right.
Most of the time condition is the determining factor, but there are cars that even absolutely fucked, the value is in the vin number. You can cut away 90% of the chassis and body, replace it with steel and patch panels from lesser models, source an engine and an interior and “ship of thesius” yourself a “Genuine” 69 R/T Charger.
Also, you’re disregarding the sweat equity equation. Basic spares and repair parts are usually pretty cheap, wiring and mechanical on an old truck is pretty damn simple and bodywork is reasonably easy to learn and do quite affordably if they are smart about it and have the time to put in.
Restoration shops do manage to stay in business because sometimes people want the car they lusted after when they were 16,the kids have grown up and moved out and they have money… condition is less important then.
Thats the thing. If a customer forgot to mask off an alarm panel or two not taking the 5 minutes to do it just makes you look like a fucking asshole. If they didnt mask off a bunch of stuff then you call them, tell them that either you need to add to the estimate or rebook the job.
This is also why I own 2 shitbox cars.
I’m a good amateur mechanic. But I cant guarantee I wont order the wrong part, be sent the wrong part, have misdiagnosed the problem, the job turns out to be a nightmare etc… So as long as the other one is running, I have time and ability to sort it out.
Gestures broadly at Lemmy.
Leftists are already trying to fuck megacorps over, why would they try and placate them?
Take gutting the FDA for example.
Developing drugs is EXPENSIVE. If that gets a whole lot cheaper (and far more unsafe) they might actually look at developing some drugs that wouldnt have been likely to have a good ROI before but might now.
Its not impossible that massive deregulation could lead to advancements.
At this point my biggest hope for the Trump administration is for some “Happy Accidents” that wouldnt happen in a safety oriented world. We might make some really cool discoveries that we otherwise wouldnt make because so much wild shit is going to happen that statistically speaking some of them have to be positive.
Racists: Dey tuk ur jeeeerrrrrbs!
“Your Honor, I was trying to get the Kleenex pregnant.”
I live in Australia and I theoretically love guns. I love them from an engineering and design point of view. Going shooting inanimate objects and making a skill based sport out of it looks like enormous fun. But my country has very strict gun control laws so owning one isnt worth the headaches.
But then I’m at the 24hr supermarket near the sketchy neighbourhood and the junkie is screaming at the cashier about something and I am so fucking happy that the likelihood of that guy having a gun is next to zero that I think “Yep, I’ll take that trade”
The brand new top of the line flagship tech product is expensive!?!
Yep, they used that ladder to get to the top of the wall, if they leave the ladder intact someone could follow them up.
Comments wiil be full of “bUt ChRiStIaNiTy”
Like in every OTHER thread Lemmy wont shut the fuck up about FB/IG/TT/Etc and their engagement algorithms and how they are manipulating society…
Yes, the broken clock is right.
I dont know.
Ive known a fair few people who have served in multiple countries and most of them genuinely do LOVE their country.
You can buy judges and politicians because none of them thought they might have to die for their country when they signed up. I dont imagine if push came to shove many of those people would take orders from Elon, even for a big sack of cash.
Trump has access to the CIA.
For all their faults, they do know how to knock people off.
Ive watched that show Billions. At least Damien Lewis managed to make it look suave and cool, compared to Musks excited downs syndrome looking leap behind Trump at the rally.
You know every time he does something, someone in the comments makes an idiocracy reference and we all roll our eyes because “Yeah, theres the low hanging fruit guy coming to farm votes” like its an original thought.
Well… Its my turn.
“This Inauguration brought to you by Diet coke. DIET COKE, IF YOU DONT DRINK IT FUCK YOU!”
Also today I went out and bought an old truck. Lol.
My wife and I have to move in a few months into our new place, then there will be the ikea trips, trips to the dump and landscaping to do so I ran some numbers.
If I rent a pickup 1 weekend a month for 12 months that will cost me $2880 so I bought a $2500 high mile but well serviced truck with registration till december. No ball ache of booking it, going and collecting or returning it. I can get it filthy, scratch it… doesnt matter. Provided it doesnt explode, I am financially ahead.