Interior design suppliers let you place orders like “6 feet of purple books.”
Doesn’t Starbucks advertise a tuition benefit? Then if you already have a degree, they don’t have to worry about that.
So I’m a male, fertile so far as I know. Suppose I walked into the county courthouse, hand in hand with my sexy sister and asked for a marriage license. Naturally, the clerk would say “GTFO you disgusting freaks. You’s brother and sister and we don’t need no more incest babies in this county.” If I came back the next day with my beautiful brother, the clerk, seeing that our union would produce no natural offspring, agrees that love is love and we just need to sign and notarize these forms.
How do you feel about 5318008?
OK, but make every expensive bullet come with a voucher for 1000 free rounds at a training range.
It’s true I don’t need crates of ammo for self defense, but I might need to send that many downrange to make one bullet count when I really need it to, without endangering innocent bystanders.
My problem seems to stem from the fact that my searches are often obscure and commercial interests probably wish I was searching for something else.
That’s an invaluable lesson.