But every day ends wi… oh. OH.
But every day ends wi… oh. OH.
Thrift stores are your friend for bluray and dvd players.
Tape Decks can be aquired there too, but are a bit more prone to damage in the components.
About a year ago, I started buying DVD’s from thrift stores. I rip them all and put them on my Plex server. I recently aquired a Bluray player and starting to collect those too. Since those take up MUCH more diskspace, I only watch bluray with the physical disk (storage in Europe is unfortunately more expensive than in the USA)
I also started collecting CD’s again (mostly from thrift stores too). I rip these to FLAC and also put them on my Plex.
The beauty of this system for me is that I still have to physically flip through stuff to build my collection. Since it takes up physical space, I limit myself to stuff I actually really want to see/listen to. But by digitizing it, I have the advantage of having acces to that curated content everywhere. The added timesink of ripping and metadata correcting gives me more satisfaction and appreciation for what I bought. A sense of pride and accomplishment, if you will.
So I buy Physical to make sure the collection stays curated and manageable, but digitize most of it for the convenience.
Due to the appreciation of my collection, I now watch more movies and listen to more music than when I had acces to netflix or Spotify.
I think you vastly underestimate how many edgecases there actually are. Every one edge case might be a small userbase, but combined, all those small userbases make a significant userbase for whom Linux is less than ideal. And (just a hunch) on Lemmy, this % of users is actually larger than the population at large. Tech-savy people tend to use more obscure programs.
Some edgecases I happen to know(because I happen to fall into three edgecase groups!)
Those are two creative edgecases. And I believe using your PC for creative work is actually quite a significant userbase.
And sometimes even IF a product is supposedly supported on Linux, it doesn’t work straight up. I recently tried to install Ubiquity’s Unify program on my Pop!OS, but nope, errors before even installing. Happened to need all kinds of weird dependencies that are outdated and are hard to install. Even when following Ubiquity’s install guide. On windows it just worked. Another edgecase, but it adds up.
So I disagree on your “majority” statement. Especially on Lemmy, I don’t believe that to be true at all.
But meh, maybe agree to disagree.
So have you tried music production with Linux? Installing VSTs is exactly that: hours upon hours of banging your head against a wall with Wine.
There simply are usecases that don’t work out of the box with Linux that do on Windows because the companies don’t support Linux.
If she used adobe suite for so many years, it would currently be agony to try and switch. It will take months, maybe even years to unlearn and relearn stuff properly.
Unless she only uses it for some simple cropping or something. Maybe you can add what kind of tools she actually uses?
My Synology NAS has 512 MB of ram. She won’t be winning any races, but she’s a fine beauty. Hits NAS with a wrench
It is planned feature for Gimp 3 I believe, hopefully it will be implemented well.
But for now, people that aren’t professional graphic designers should really stop recommending Gimp as a viable replacement. It is a very capable piece of software, but too many professional-grade features are missing.
And it’s never only about Photoshop either. It is the integration that the suite has. Illustrator to Photoshop to Indesign is (mostly) seemless.
I’m currently trying to switch to foss alternatives, but it’s rough.
I think this is where my disconnect and perhaps even some unintentional disbelieve in these types of conversations comes from. The political landscape feels like a completely different world to me. It is easier for me to study, say, the political landscape of China or India because the culture is so vastly different from ours. USA always feels close in values and everyday culture to Europe, yet so completely different too.
Although I’m not a conservative myself, I still see a case to be made for a government that is “conservative”. I.e. a government that doesn’t respond with a law for every single small thing. There is a danger to turn a country into a bureaucratic nightmare. Where people will find loopholes in laws, and a government responds by patching that loophole up with another law or clause. A labyrinth of laws can and will cause suffering for people that are edge cases.
Or do I read the term “government conservatism” wrong here?
For me, a two party system seems really odd too. The flipside though, is having like 18 parties that all represent something, which takes way more cooperation and finding middle ground. This might seem good on paper, but can sometimes lead to indecisiveness or an unwillingness to take unpopular decisions. In the long run, that might cause a country to slowly fall behind on various topics due to a lack of vision.
Source: I’m a Dutch guy who has seen this happen in it’s own country.
The Netherlands :)
So, I live in a European country where our right-wing politics would probably be considered “left” by Republican Americans.
I vote sort of central. Not too left, not too right. Even though I disagree with many things that our rightwinged politicians stand for, I can see some merit in them at times. The same with our left-leaning politicians.
When I see discussions among Americans, it seems to me either party just hates the other party, automatically calling them bigoted. And it comes across as a heavily divided country without any hope for reconciliation.
So 2 questions: Republicans: is there any democratic strength you wish your party would implement?
And democrats: is there any republican strength that you wish your party would implement?
Hmm, Verizon only? I don’t have it, I’m in Europe. Bought the phone without specific carrier.
Although not tied to your collection, you might find Everynoise cool and interesting.
Got big Mad Men vibes from this.
Maybe we should have like a yearly event for this. Like a holiday. International Linux Year Day.
About 10 years ago I got rid of most of my cd’s because I thought I would just use spotify. Now I’m slowly gathering a cd collection again from thriftstores (or buy albums in store if it’s newer music and I want to support the artist). I rip them all to flac and add them to my Plex.
I’ve noticed I listen to music more now. I find new cool songs by artists by listening through whole albums again. Because of the time commitment of ripping and physically flipping through cd’s, I actually care again about the music that I gather and listen.
One counterpoint I would have is that I believe most ads are paid per-click? I actively refuse to click on any internet ad anyway, might as well block it.
Early testsresults in the Netherlands have shown great succes. Less cyber bullying, more socializing by students, and better engagement in classroom. The students actually prefer it too.
I thought it was stupid too, but I’ve come around to it. A box full of dopamine hits is not for teenagers to decide wether they can interact with it or not.