Most of the stuff I like to do is at home, though.
Making the world a better place, one genetic experiment at a time.
> _
Most of the stuff I like to do is at home, though.
4 pin XLR?
the art of the deal
me :3 I’ve fallen hard
I don’t appreciate you referencing that movie in an unserious tone.
Hannah Montana Linux
Be still my heart.
mpd for me
Egg on my face.
By your logic this also means you don’t like your face?
We’re engaged.
So if you like mayonnaise on your girlfriend, it’s not the girlfriend you like? This makes no sense.
Full access to notepad? So what, I need to pay to be able to toggle text wrapping or look at the about menu? It’s fucking notepad.
EDIT: I didnt expect so many downvotes taking sides with MS
This still never happened in the clip in the link. Has this been doctored, or is the clip in the link inaccurate?
EDIT: The source is just shit, and includes a clip that doesn’t actually frame the salute the article is calling out. This clip shows the salute, at about 0:28. Maybe I should be writing these posts.
I watched the clip. Where was it exactly?
Grew up on computers, can confirm, decades later vision is a fuck.
The mods there remove my threads all the time. The thread can be full of amazing community contributions and information in the form of comments, but they’ll still nuke it because they have nothing better to do.
I use emptty and herbsluft.
All I know is I have the hots for Jen so bad.
Uneducated serfs are pliable, reliable, and controllable.