where do I put my resume?
where do I put my resume?
A good option for some is just tethering your phone for the update.
There’s aren’t enough CEOs for mass terror.
I’d rather kick them off the boat.
Dollars is a pretty good resource. You can trade those for games.
Directed against insurance companies
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. It’s what insurance companies use against all of us! Clearly she was just telling them they’re next because of the golden rule. They’re gonna be denied just the same as her.
That’s pointless.
“innocent man with a wife and kids!”
So you don’t matter unless someone out there wants to fuck you, and causing people’s deaths and disabilities is just so innocent!
At what point in time does a first count as part of a trend?
We’ve got a warning for you too, cops!
Put the boy pee pee in the girl pee pee.
Round is a shape. She’s in shape! Pre-existing condition. Claim denied.
That shouldn’t even matter if there was even a single company that isn’t garbage. There just isn’t though. Guillotine time!
That’s $70 for every living American. Why can’t we get healthcare?
I used to conduct their customer satisfaction surveys and I’m not surprised.
Every day capitalism limits the usefulness of my tools while complaining that might rights are holding them back.
Oh shit.
Ewwww gross