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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/lowen0005 on 2023-10-03 03:28:53.
Many people like to say that if they had a time machine they would go back and kill Hitler or some other valiant act of heroism that would prevent the death of millions.
Yet when faced with the real possibility of killing (or even just properly holding accountable - removal from society, redistribution of resources of) an individual now, who is already responsible for millions of deaths by virtue of withholding resources alone, never mind the active oppression and exploitation of billions that go in to maintaining the system that allows them their power, people suddenly become squeamish.
But not even at the idea of them doing it, but at the idea of anyone doing it (to the point of actively opposing it), and that’s just so fucking frustrating, that people can’t see the glaringly obvious dictators “of tomorrow”, who already literally control everything and are actively getting away with a lot shit directly out of the fascist playbook today, how anyone can still deny it to themselves just blows my mind.
We’re never going to get a better future as long as so many people refuse to accept that we’re never going to be given it by those living the high life off of our backs.
The difference is that I can look up a moment in history when Hitler was vulnerable and then kill him with zero consequences.
There would be a lot of consequences for killing anyone today, and it’d be really hard to kill anyone that matters.
The most difficult tasks are the most rewarding.
That begets the question, why do you feel okay with murder when there are no consequences?
Were you to find yourself in such a situation with say the CEO of Nestle or Nike, or Rupert Murdoch, or whomever you fancy, where you suddenly realize you have an opportunity to murder that person without consequence, would you do so?
I’d prefer they be sent to work camps to pay for their crimes - execution is a waste of resources
But if you’re talking about a situation where “press this magic button an Elon Musk dies” well~
It was a rhetorical question meant to prompt you into a moral or philosophical justification.
But for the record, I more or less agree with your position.
Okay, but like, I don’t want to outright say it because I’m pretty sure the people I hate are watching for that sort of thing 😅
With any luck, hackers will turn them into penises
Or a 9/11 recreation
This is the first time I’ve seen the original tweet without Johnny Silverhand
Full terrorist might be a bit much, but I wouldn’t be opposed to punching holes in packaging of the advertised products.
If the trend caught on at a large enough scale to just mildly vandalize space-billboard products, that shit would stop in a hurry.
…hell we should do that with regular billboards too - gimme my scenery back!
Billboards really ought to be illegal.
Full terrorist might be a bit much
I disagree. A society that sells the night sky to private interest deserves to burn.
…on second thought… yeah.
you say terrorism bad then advise terrorism lol
@[email protected], I propose a solution to this conundrum:
- Terrorizing bourgeoisie = good
- Terrorizing proletariat = bad
It’s never too early to be an eco-terrorist
So what do you think is going on in the prime universe?
I don’t understand the increasingly aggressive ads. When I see a company advertising heavily I get sketched out and assume they have subpar product.
If these are drones and someone does this irl I’m going to shoot them down
Drone-based sky projections/light shows typically use hundreds or thousands of them. Good luck.