who lol, student protests never go anywhere
A Marxist Leninist Transfem, exmormon, and organizer in occupied Hawaii. I am basically GenZ Stalin ideologically, with a focus on anti-colonial liberation. The US must be completely dismantled.
@[email protected] is mine
who lol, student protests never go anywhere
We don’t deny it, but doubt its extent
I love it I’m a nazi and flat earther now lol
idk some people are weird like that
fact is that the tanks waited for him to leave when they had no reason to, didn’t engage him at all, and then went on their merry way.
I’d like to see a Palestinian kid be able to do the same to zionists
Your guess was as good as mine, he seem to hand the tanker groceries at one point, seems to gesture them to go back to the square, and has what looks like a full on convo with them.
We don’t know what he said so its up in the air
oh my god the only people who like liberals are liberals
Your memes are just objectively cringe
also love crashes it allows the government to nationalize the private sector even more
also you really think the cpc cares about your existence at all and to pay us losers to bother you? Give me any evidence of them doing so.
None of that looks like bodies, are we seeing the same picture?
where, show me this photo
I can give you ones of mobs burning random people alive on the street
Bro show non faulty evidence tanks killed anyone in the square
thats what we’re saying lol
You mean the massive labor strikes calling for the return of the socialist government after inflation skyrocketed 400% (or 300% idc)
we’re in your walls
please pass some cheese through the outlets, we get hungry sometimes
I wonder what happens when you watch the full video
the one where the tanks politely wait for the man to leave and then continue on their way, away from the square.
Nah, irl they hate me cause im trans girl with autism
cool name tho, Imma write that one down next to Privatized Sun
I will tread where I please
You really think that, don’t you?
Maybe I’m just tired of hearing of these lies, I know china didn’t do it, and I know the story is a myth concocted from bits of reality and western media embellishing and skewing details. I’m really just trying to get a rise out of ya’ll.
But how are we fascists? You think we are lying at all hours even when you aren’t looking? It would be easier to just be a fascist if that was the truth. Those movements already exist: Nazbols, MAGA communists, and the like. Why aren’t we them? Why do we always separate ourselves and constantly denounce them? Why do we go through what would be a ridiculous amount of effort to pretend to be communists? Pretend to be leftists? This is a ridiculous assertion in every way!
I dare you to spend 5 minutes on hexbear, minutes not trying to hate us, and just look around. I may be scum yes, but I don’t think they are, far from it in fact. Maybe you’ll see that, or you’ll just keep being the way you are:
Blind and hateful, lashing out at whatever you don’t understand.
Oh god you libs drive me nuts this is hilarious
honestly I really don’t give a shit if they did or didn’t
you say terrorism bad then advise terrorism lol