even inert ammo ? i am no ballistics expert
shooting a tire is like close range, how a baby would be hurt (unless emotionally speaking) ? u would have to be blind to miss the shot. also black women always overreacting, they start ramming stuff whenever they panic (too retarded tbh), white ? maybe…thats a reason i could get behind…but she also fat so she doesn’t necessarily hav a grasp over her cognitive abilities
a car moving that aggressively need to be contained quickly…chasing it is just wasteful…plus the risk of damaging public and private property in the long run…
why dont they shoot the tires first? i wonder to myself each time i see such video… also how much taxpayer money is wasted on such pursuit ? cop trying to break the glass window with his own bare hand lol…car pursuits in the us seem to be too staged…probably lobbied for by Big car…everything in the us has that Avengers vibe to it: alot of stuff are needlessly extreme…also mom is probably that ‘live,love,laugh’ type of woman :/
such details really did…fly over my head
They are flying much slower here to give a better show, which gives them a much tighter turn radius and more time to react. It’s also a meticulously planned and practiced route.
sounds like it really
i thought chinooks were intended for that kind of usage, but i am no expert…u seem to be informed enough that i shouldn’t argue much. TIL
i am no pilot, but a typical one would be frightened if saw such plane would fly that low, especially between skyscrapers like that…anyway, thats also taxpayer freedom money not put in very good use
thats definitly cgi, dafuq
CopyQ is awesome.
busy week huh
Intel unveiled its first direct mesh-to-mesh photonic fabric at the Hot Chips 2023 chip conference, highlighting its progress towards a future of optical chip-to-chip interconnects that are also championed by the likes of Nvidia and Ayar Labs. However, the eight-core 528-thread chip that Intel used for the demonstration stole the spotlight due to its unique architecture that sports 66 threads per core to enable up to 1TBs of data throughput. Surprisingly, the chip consumes only 75W of power, with 60 of the power being used by the optical interconnects, but the design could eventually enable systems with two million cores to be directly connected with under 400ns latency. Intels PUMA Programmable Unified Memory Architecture chip is part of the DARPA HIVE program that focuses on improving performance in petabyte-scale graph analytics work to unlock a 1000X improvement in performance-per-watt in hyper-sparse workloads. Surprisingly for an x86-centric company like Intel, the test chip utilizes a custom RISC architecture for streamlined performance in graph analytics workloads, delivering an 8X improvement in single-threaded performance. The chip is also created using TSMCs 7nm process, not Intels own internal nodes. After characterizing the target workloads, Intel concluded that it needed to craft an architecture that solved the challenges associated with extreme stress on the memory subsystem, deep pipelines, branch predictors, and out-of-order logic created by the workload. Intels custom core employs extreme parallelism to the tune of 66 hardware threads for each of the eight cores, large L1 instruction and data caches, and 4MB of scratchpad SRAM per core. The eight-core chip features 32 optical IO ports that operate at 32 GBsdir apiece, thus totaling 1TBs of total bandwidth. The chips drop into an eight-socket OCP server sled, offering up to 16 TBs of total optical throughput for the system, and each chip is fed by 32GB of custom DDR5-4000 DRAM. Intel fabbed the chip on TSMCs 7nm process with 27. 6 billion transistors spanning a 316mm2 die. The eight cores, which consume 1. 2 billion transistors, run down the center of the die, flanked by eight custom memory controllers with an 8-byte access granularity.
thats how it will pan out: google is just adding an extra step to flight booking: making it booking with extra steps.
chill, its lemmy.ml that u r trying to post in! i get errors from it all the time
we need less planes anyway, so good news. no offense to pilots thou, but its not all about them. could retool their skillset by learning train conduction or something…like something more eco-friendly
yea, using linux or there’s revanced that recompiles/ repckages ? the youtube apk file into an advanced youtube installation file, with sponsorblock and all. this way if u had an android u could stream Youtube with all the enhancements to ur tv using chromecast. its free territory this open source universe !
tech bro busy creating wild life on mars by destroying the one on earth
how do u add extensions to an app ? unless u repack the apk file, which is the same way as revanced, right ?. i use extensions on pc thou. firefox feeling like its own os with the amount of extensions and scripts i am running on top of the thing rip
Why are u downvoted
probably cause they didn’t invest much in cybersec…like most companies…and they deserve it, for not hiring such essential engineers