⚠️ Texas Government Code §557.022 prohibits the name of this individual from being printed on the ballot of any primary or general election.
Director of Site-CN-34 from 2███ to 2███.
Hoping someone uses my pronouns help
I know you won’t see this comment, but I’ll still respond anyways.
It’s not the most inclusive language. I don’t think anyone forced you at gunpoint to rename that stuff though?
solid dude
Cowards! At least admit it in your display name…
I think they meant their smartphone “calling home” not an actual phone call
Spoiler alert: Windows does not exist yet as a company
@[email protected], I propose a solution to this conundrum:
For all we know, Windows forgot to actually implement the settings /s
It’s not trash like the iOS 6 launch.
Yes, it has Yelp integration for reviews.
Genuinely curious, what makes it so great?
Nah, don’t worry, a downvote from a corporate bootlicker should be taken with pride like an upvote
Hey, at least it should keep the bots out of there, if it offers consolation. I can’t imagine they’re not doing this to cover their butt.
You’re welcome to post your math, I was shitposting
Since the U.S. weighs in money, here’s my math:
Well, there are 6,000 to 8,000 minks in a shitton (article estimation of released mink number courtesy of OP),
approximately 8 mink pelts in a mink (guess based on lifespan?),
CAD$26 in a mink pelt (source),
0.58 pound sterling to CAD in 2020 (source),
and 1 short ton in 2000 pounds
= 349 liveweight short ton
I’ve heard good things about UBlock Origin
The photos are there — you might have to scroll a bit
That’s what 3rd-party clients are for. I recommend Invidious
Silly Lemmy user, it’s 4am and I’m on Lemmy
Fair enough, I guess I was thinking of someone like Lenin himself.
I just don’t understand why you appeal to an outsider at all instead of the idea itself, but you’re probably right that we don’t need to keep debating this.
This is fair, but was the US the undisputed global superpower then?