Yeah, because the Democrats have no interest in being “the resistance” this time.
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
Yeah, because the Democrats have no interest in being “the resistance” this time.
The case right now is, if you can’t afford what you want, you can’t choose it. They don’t get to choose for themselves, the market chooses for them!
If I have to choose between market decision making and democratic decision making, I’ll choose democracy. At the very least, a democratic process leaves no one homeless.
The incentive structure for landlords creates these conditions, it’s not some individual failing of their moral character. Individual tyrants aren’t better than corporate tyrants.
If you predict it’s the end times every day for a thousand years, eventually you’ll get it right.
Cooperatives are democratic, the members vote on what it means to have a nice living situation.
Collecting commodities isn’t a real hobby.
It’s already killed one child, just for context.
Why do we think this is the right’s favorite talking point?
It’s like I said, it’s their foot in the door.
If trans women can’t be allowed in women’s sports (we’re too big, or too strong, or to aggressive, or whatever other lie), the same logic leads directly to banning us from bathrooms and locker rooms and other women’s spaces. These issues are intertwined, they can use sport as a wedge to split the coalition.
Critiquing the concept of fair sports undercuts the ability for the right to use this issue in the first place. By giving ground here, it only cedes further ground and opens us to attack.
The right attacks this wedge issue because liberals don’t have a critique of sports, because they’re fucking cowards that wouldn’t dare criticize the US civic religion.
Slight correction: AIPAC is really only a small part of a much larger ecosystem of lobbying. That’s just playing around money. The serious money comes from the defense industry, because Israel generates endless war.
It’s a foot in the door. Once we get banned from sports for not being “real women” it leads to more bans, like from bathrooms.
The problem with sports is they’re inherently unfair. Singling out this one issue and ignoring all the other unfair aspects of sport only reinforces the basis for treating us differently.
Sports should be reformed. This isn’t it.
Bear with me.
He’s actually talking about RFK Jr.
He found some more roadkill!
Except the content of his post also blames the left, which is kind of fucking stupid when the government is undergoing a billionaire coup of the PayPal boys.
You do to get that sweet sweet VC cash!
I think some of the lore is cool, but actually all games based on collectables are trash.
The interference pales in comparison to the interference coming from US corporations and billionaires, what are you even talking about?
From 2014-2022, Russia spent $300 million influencing elections in 24 countries. I don’t know what it’s up to now, but I doubt they have a ton of liquid cash to splurge on elections when they’re fighting a war.
In the 2024 elections alone, there were $24 billion spent by both parties in all races in the US. Compared to that, Russia’s spending is a drop in the bucket.
The government has been taken over by Musk and the other PayPal boys, and you’re wasting your time blaming foreigners. The billionaires are literally running the government and getting themselves appointed to office, or in Musk’s case running rampant without any official appointment at all. It’s a billionaire coup and they’re distracting you with Russians. This only benefits them.
Willing to help kill trans kids, but cursing is too far!
Oh I have a 32" fan pointed at my bed as well! I need both to actually sleep.
I need air conditioning to sleep when it gets above 80° 🤷♀️
The ones who get their undies twisted when we criticize Democrats.
This country was founded on dehumanizing people.