Shitposting aside: there is a valid point on there. Because we can’t see our opposites in any discussion on the internet, we cannot take clues into account we otherwise might have. This leads to far-reaching misinterpretations. Imagine someone with a very weird and overly simplistic political stance they defend with tooth and nail. Now imagine that person to be some activist with a cap with political slogans on it. Okay, and now imagine the person to be not that, but a 15-year-old who just started to grasp the world around them but thinks they have it all figured out (puberty doing puberty things). Your reaction to either of them would be VASTLY different, wouldn’t it. Imagine how many stupid internet fights would never have happened if it was known that one of the participants is a literal child that can’t have a clue what they are talking about yet.
Yet, not knowing that we’ve been arguing with a child for the last hour and a half, we will leave the discussion with the impression that there are grown up people out there thinking childish bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, there are those people, but they are not as frequent as one might guess from the internet.
I love that perspective, so true. It even goes the other way, YOU could be a literal child posting such a thought-provoking comment, we’ll never know.
On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.
Holy herrl!
I’m a stack of cups, thank you.
deleted by creator
This is why I refuse to take relationship advice from the internet. I wonder how many adults have gotten divorced because a teenager on Reddit told them to
Every. Single. Post.
“You need a divorce. This is gaslighting and abuse. He/She does not respect you as a woman/man.”
I remember this one post where a guy asked his girlfriend if she would bite the bullet and help the women in his very conservative family cook Thanksgiving dinner once per year. He was super apologetic but explained that the women in the family got super pissed and offended by women not cooking. He had already tried talking to them and they weren’t having it. He was between a rock and a hard place. Clearly he didn’t know what to do.
Reddit flipped their shit and said the guy had to choose between his girlfriend and his family. Obviously I am against traditional, conservative, gender-role bullshit. But I have dealt with plenty of shit to have a good relationship with my wife’s imperfect family. And she has dealt with tons of shit to put up with my imperfect family. A good relationship is two people who do things for the other person. It’s reciprocal and kind, even in unpleasant situations. This guy didn’t choose his family and he won’t change them. All they can do is choose to do it differently in their own house and raise their children differently.
I hate the relationship subreddits. Hot garbage.
They should get a divorce. He obviously secretly believes in traditional gender roles being followed, and is trying to manipulate her into it with bullshit excuses. No other scenario is possible, no nuances are possible either. Everything is right or wrong.
This is sarcasm, just in case anyone wasn’t sure :)
Personally, I loved them because they were entertaining. They were also useful, but not for getting advice. They were great for getting other perspectives and for thought experiments where you can think about how your would react.
But the worst IMO were the ones that got upset when OP wasn’t just doing what they said like it was a choose your own adventure story. Some would get fucking indignant about it and it didn’t help that some subs had rules against arguing (like AITA, entertaining but horribly run with some strong but competing biases making judgements overall useless, including comments frequently making shit up that wasn’t in the post to base their judgements on). OP is the only one that understands the greater context of their issue, plus is the one that needs to be convinced, they should be encouraged to argue if they don’t agree, not discouraged.
Your reaction to either of them would be VASTLY different, wouldn’t it.
It might be, but the benefit of the internet and sites like this are that it isn’t. A bad take is a bad take whether it comes fro ignorance or malice.
I definitely would be a worse person today if I hadn’t been put in my place by internet people as a kid.
tbh I don’t see it as a “child” thing, half-knowledge is blinding regardless of age
a literal child may not have the capacity to learn from the interaction, yet. maybe other people reading it will, though.
Yeah, but that means curiosity and acceptance of ignorance. It is a virtue many struggle to have today. (even me probs lol)
Usually when I get a really dumb comment from someone, I look at their profile and the only thing they ever talk about is sports. Not my idea, just an observation.
Holy shit me too. And I have plenty of smart friends who love sports, but the correlation online happened way too many times
The smartest sports fan I knew was an Auburn fan. He had gone there and gotten his education, became a self important engineer at a major transportation company. His password for half a decade on everything, personal or commercial, was a variation of War Eagle.
I do not understand how even the smartest of sports fans manage to make it their whole personality to the point that they can’t even come up with a decent password because the most obscure thing they can think about is the very popular Eagle thing his college had done for decades.
The real problem though is him sharing his passwords with you!
I never said he gave me the password.
Then how did you know it?
It’s pretty trivial to write a piece of software that records key presses to a log file. It turns out, if you take a kid that really really likes computers, and you lock them out of their computer, they will use their knowledge of computers to be able to use their computer.
At first I was happy to just run a mandrake Linux live CD but they found out what I was doing and disabled the disk drive as boot option.
Eventually I had to figure out how to maintain access, so I intentionally borked the parental control software by rebooting in safe mode over and over and corrupting the files for it before it could initialize and lock the files. Eventually it was so fucked they had to log on to fix the parental control installation which was when I got the password.
After I got the password and could do what I wanted again I found out how to clear CMOS which reenabled the disk boot.
I think we went back and forth a little longer, but eventually they gave up and I was allowed to just administrate my own computer.
oh… so crime
E: OH – I see. Wow. I learned everything I know about networking and computers in a similar way :P Thanks Dad
One of my favorite posts lmao
I recently had a discussion with someone on Instagram, about freedom to and freedom from.
Turned out they are a Nazi cosplayer with multiple uniforms, going to actual Neo-Nazi meetings.
I got a strike on Instagram for mocking a bored ape owner, but the amount of actual Nazi sympathisers on that page is not an issue I guess.
Wait just a second… this isn’t a shit post – It’s a piss post! I demand a refund.
It also helps to remember the vast majority of users are children under the age of about 24. That really puts things in perspective.
Do you see a 22 year old as a child? Lol.
I sure do. It’s surprising you would disagree, so I’d guess that you are either very young yourself, or unaware of the facts. I’m almost north of the 40 border and the interns and junior associates at work literally look like children to me.
I’m not a neurologist but it’s pretty much understood and accepted that brains aren’t fully formed until 24 or 25, particularly in terms of judgement and rational though and emotion.
I’m an SME in a technical field (tax) so I need only refer to literally any thread to see abundant examples of petulant whiny children screaming about technical shit they don’t understand. I remind myself that these are very young immature people still wet behind the ears, with very little real word experience, before engaging them in debate.
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Unironically yes. Of course when I was around that age I didn’t but now I really do. As far as maturity I don’t see a major difference between an 18 year old and 22 year old. So you attended school a few more years? Entered the workforce for a few years? That’s not maturity imo but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I wouldn’t say child but definitely still in the teenager category imo although they’re not actually teens ofc
Wonder how this will change once you reach, like, 60 :D Would anyone under 40 be a child?
It’s a reasonable thought and I’m curious too. Didn’t Treebeard call Gandalf young once, and Gandalf is like 8,000 years old or something?
That said, I haven’t seen or felt much change from early 30s vs late 30s, compared to a huge difference from early vs late 20s. My dad is almost 70 and I think of him as young-ish. Certainly not old anyway (although I know plenty of people a bit younger than him that I consider “old”.) I asked him recently what he considers old and he said 85 or so. Guess it’s all relative.
Wait I am child?
You guys don’t drink your own piss?
No you sick Fuck if i drank my piss what would the dog drink ,he’s gonna get thirsty
Luckily my dog doesn’t need to drink, actually. He’s so quiet and still all the time, every day!
Bad news dude, I think your dog might be a cat
Or dead.
Or a statue of a dog.
There is no dog. He calls his alter ego “dog”.
He doesn’t drink his own piss?
Only if I have my handy dead snake to use as a waterskin.
I know, right? If we weren’t supposed to drink our own piss then why does it look like lemonade?
The trouble is, everybody’s piss looks like lemonade.
So what I’m asking is, would you mind filling this bottle?
Italian piss is the best piss. Change my mind
In my opinion, it’s French piss. Don’t get me wrong, Italian piss is good and all, but the reason I prefer French piss is because it still has the Europeany piss taste that Italian piss has, but tastes a bit more sour which gives it a richer flavor. It also feels a bit more classy than Italian piss. Italian piss is a close runner-up though. I hope you take this into consideration, Thank you.
It’s not really real piss unless it’s from the region of Pissoir though. Something to do with the aquifers there I believe.
From a connoisseur to another, I warmly recommend you Maison Zigounette’s vintage “Jus du Pénis”. It takes the most delicate palate to fully appreciate it.
Is there a cheese you’d recommend pairing it with? Something blue perhaps?
You do well to ask: a serving of Mamelou made with raw lait de femme makes for a perfect match!
Probably because French piss is more bubbly.
I turned my tooth into a Jellyfish to absorb the piss (⌐■‿■)
You’ve tried them all then?
what about brazilian piss’
Yep. Someone was talking about ear piercings and bodily autonomy. I commented that I wanted my ears pierced and my grandma took me to her doctor to have them professionally done instead of going to Claire’s. Got downvoted to hell. Wtf.
Where all I got was a drunk and stoned buddy of mine saying “Hey, hold still” while he jammed a dull earring through my ear into a potato.
Ouch! That sounds painful!
It was, but honestly, all these years later it was the popping sound that I remember most.
ah what the heck
Waste of a potato too, should be boiling and mashing em.
Throw in a chicken bone, a couple of carrots. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!
Damn, now I’m hungry at almost 1am.
Based gran, and I had no idea doctors do that. That’s cool.
It was 1986. I remember it well. My Grandma was a gem!
Humanity does this to everything we touch eventually lol
I’ll never forget a cliche r/guns post with a dude showing off his new rifle and all the comments were “do not click on profile”. I clicked it and it was gay furry butthole pics. It was suprisingly well received by the sub, to each their own. That stood as a stark reminder of just how different people can be.
there is the gun hole cleaner, and then there is the
The mediocre loves mediocrity – if a random person behaves like a 12 year old, then he (very likely) is a 12 year old or has a mind of one.
Bear Grylls entered the chat.
pissmaster in making …
Soon he will be the final piss bender
You spelled pisshole wrong.
Pis shole
check out the last words of the meme