Of the ones I mentioned only thunder isn’t in the play store yet.
Of the ones I mentioned only thunder isn’t in the play store yet.
Some are on izzydroid if you’re willing to add a repo.
Voice your opinion at [email protected]. The dev has already considered renaming as the current one was picked arbitrarily and partly because it’s easy to type with one hand 🤔
If you only want to manage 2 accounts (e.g. here and beehaw) Liftoff handles it pretty well.
Ironically I posted the comment from connect…
I’m happy to report there are several android apps getting daily updates at the moment.
Lemmotif is also looking good but is newer and less feature rich last I checked. There’s probably a couple newer ones that’s I’m forgetting.
Oh, Artemis is coming soon and also supports kbin which is rare as their api isn’t finished yet.
Try: Jerboa, Liftoff, Connect, Summit, Thunder, wefwef, etc.
Sync is coming next month too.
kbin is federated with lemmy (and mastadon) but it is actually its own software with its own (unfinished) API.
Someone on Lemmy shitpost said people here will literally upvote beans, and it started a trend.
Did you try a private tab?
This has never been announced or alluded to