Deny her the freedom. Listen to the intrusive thoughts and make a sauce less pineapple pizza with no cheese. Only pineapple.
My ass boutta use the biggest pair of fucking tongs known to mankind just to hold the Snapping Turtle
What about Opera GX? The mobile and Desktop versions.
Everytime I hear “The Federation” or any mention of this being a federated community, I do be getting those “For the Empire” vibes from Star wars. I can sense a soon to be running joke cropping up
“A man, age X ate his Ramen with the “skin on” as stated in his post on the upcoming social media site known as Lemmy. This is what happened to his stomach.”
Me, on Voyager seeing nothing but blue: “Allow me to introduce myself.”
Which is sad, because if you never change. You’ll eventually stagnate and rot, like an apple in the sun when change does finally become forced and necessary. Either you move out of the sun and become a tree with those remaining seeds or just. Die I guess. Kind of a pathetic way to go just because of stubbornness honestly.
No downvotes today.
The only real crime here is that we haven’t upgraded as humanity. To refer to each other as “specimens” for true equality :troll.png:
“Other data” that it doesn’t specify. What’s next, my shoe size and sleep schedule?
Country, last name, and state. As well as my location directly basically. Nothing to be concerned about. Sure. Not at all. I’m not being sarcastic guys. We can totally trust a stranger who asks us where we live and know nothing about them.
Soon he will be the final piss bender
Clearly propaganda. We will never have Karma here. Only beans.