I dunno, seems appropriate.
Benjamin Franklin had a very Opinion about the bald eagle:
For my own part I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not get his living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labour of the fishing hawk; and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to his nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the bald eagle pursues him, and takes it from him
The bird who doesn’t do anything valuable and just takes from the ones that are working is American as fuck at this point.
Seems like the perfect bird and perfect bill to pass for a bunch of people who live off the public dole, and do nothing whatsoever otherwise.
Oh no, they got Blasted?!?
Is that worse than Slammed!?!
They need a CEO kinda blast
Get CEOd bitches
Alright. Fine. But then I insist that when depicted in media, they use the REAL sounda it makes.
It wasn’t already!?!?!?! (I’m not American)
I am American and I thought it was too LMAO
Also, if you’re gonna do a ?!?!?! Interrobang is much more efficient: ‽‽ As it’s a combination of both, you can usually access it on phones by holding the question mark key
I do the !?!?!?! Mostly for fun.
Well, there’s a new grammar sheriff in town and they aren’t here to tolerate your “fun” by wasting their precious reading time with your non-interobang using self.
Also, I checked every key on my phone and that stupid symbol isn’t anywhere. I say we impeach the new sheriff and elect a new one! I nominate user NONE for the job! They are a fun loving commenter who isn’t here to shove fascist symbology down our throats. Who’s with me?!?!?
Agreed. The interrobang can be placed up the interrobunghole.
Doing the important work on our slide into fascism.
Wait until they find out how much time they spend naming federal buildings, especially post offices.
I always thought it was a bribe or donation sort of thing.
The boring kind of blast, bot the Danny Devito blasting.
Wait bipartisan? Everybody told me that the US Congress could not even agree on the color of the sky.
Still no budget 3 months in, amd likely kicking that can to March.