Reshipper possibly. Still expensive to ship though.
Reshipper possibly. Still expensive to ship though.
Boo you whore.
I mean, technically it was, assuming they are at least 10 years old.
That is such bullshit. Just because people want their information private doesn’t mean they are a criminal. Glad it’s useful though. Definitely going to go graphene next. Not fond of getting a pixel, would really like a fairphone or something else more repairable, but security matters more to me.
Is this Hardware or software dependent when it comes to Android? Do you know? Curious about whether moving to graphene would even matter.
Edit: Found the following discussion. https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/14344-cellebrite-premium-july-2024-documentation
Balller, thanks. I’ve been enjoying IRCHighway and the ebooks channel.
Is bookz a channel in undernet?
Where are you going to that they are a malware issue?
Would be great to see the actual deck. I get what they are going for, but still.
No, they would not.
Too many magats and weird zealots. Nature there is great and all but the people suck.
His presidential library is just going to be a bunch of fast food restaurant menus.
Motherfucker. I just got a bluray burner so I could backup things.
Motherfucker. I just got a bluray burner so I could backup things.
They read it, but they still don’t get it. It’s frustrating having to explain every tiny bit of nuance to them though. Glad you felt inclined. Lol
Whether they accept donations from the bank of Cream and Loan is another story though.
Reading comprehension is a dumpster fire in here. Fucking hell, honestly it’s abysmal internet wide anymore.
Honestly, it’s not crazy to me. I am not as rigid about those things but I avoid them pretty hard in my own way. I don’t buy stuff with a launcher either. Likewise haven’t played rdr2. I block every ad I can. I don’t pay for streaming unless it is completely ad free and don’t habe any regular tv services. If ads are at a theater (i usually only go to ones that just don’t play ads) I won’t wait outside (gotta get my good seat), but I will ignore them and dick around on my phone till they stop.
Fuck em.