If you wear the included depends
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
If you wear the included depends
Captchad got them!
But don’t pull your dick out in a McDonald’s.
Trust me.
They all look the same I would never be able to tell myself
They really are the breast
Kids these days. When I was a young man the Internet had millions of graphics and flashing neon images on every single webpage. And we were grateful to wait 5 minutes for that seizure inducing minefield of constant scams and viruses. In fact, you weren’t leet if you didn’t have at least 12 browser add-on search bars, all of which were constantly consuming your data!
We walked so they could run I guess… Well, run Linux anyhow.
You don’t have to answer the question you know. It’s shitty, yes, but it’s not forcing anything to happen.
For one you don’t have to answer it or anything. Many streaming platforms have been doing this for awhile.
That’s shitty
I found this. Don’t know if it helps
You needing torture devices or laundering services?
Well, there’s a new grammar sheriff in town and they aren’t here to tolerate your “fun” by wasting their precious reading time with your non-interobang using self.
Also, I checked every key on my phone and that stupid symbol isn’t anywhere. I say we impeach the new sheriff and elect a new one! I nominate user NONE for the job! They are a fun loving commenter who isn’t here to shove fascist symbology down our throats. Who’s with me?!?!?
Oh no, he gave up! Good. He was stealing replies anyway. Did you even get the .01$ from all his replies? God, I hate thieves.
I haven’t had this issue with newpipe yet but maybe it’s because I’m just watching video game facts and ROM hack videos for games I’ll never play.
Or that people aren’t ever in the McDonald’s drive thru
Enough to make a grown man cry
Yeah I definitely thought that comment would do better but I’m only half joking as obviously you seem to know
As a lefty I can confidently say fuck all pens. The sharpie gel one I use is alright but ball points just don’t work for those of us who push the ball when we write instead of dragging it. It’s like every pen I use is out of ink.