I’m the kind of person who would see that as I’m driving and then crash into something/someone while I was trying to make sense of it.
toast? I smell toast!
full: If renotec safe? Don’t!
If not safe? Don’t!
I get red. Was this a marketing idea?
edit: formatting
I understood that as “renotec is not safe.” Not the best ad.
This has graphic design intern written all over it.
Source: was a graphic design intern many moons ago and did terrible work for bad clients early on.
They didn’t have enough money for negative spaces, so they settled for terrible wordplays.
I’m colour blind and don’t see red very well. I didn’t even notice that the text had different colours until I read your comment.
I’m colour blind and don’t see red very well.
I’m not color blind and almost didn’t see it. This was an okay idea, executed with a terrible choice of colors.
You might want to get evaluated, mate. The colors are clear as day.
i have my lemmy feed photographed with monochrome film, since my screen broke and now only works in that mode, i couldn’t see it at all
You’ve got to be a bot, replying to super old content and at lightning pace. Get lost!
man, sorry. guess i am really lemming.
The red is completely clear and very much red. Doubling down on the suggestion to check up.
Glad I could be of service
We need a ihadastroke community
Sopuli.xyz/c/aneurysmposting comes close (sorry, can’t remember the proper formatting for sharing community links.)
i think its [email protected] iirc
thanks! now I’ll know where to post stuff like this for next time
A for effort, D- for execution
Oh I’ve seen those! They also have a weirdly punctuated “IF NOT NOW! WHEN?”
“We’re at now now”
Don’t Renotec? Ok.
I don’t know what that is so the chances of me doing that are unknown I suppose, please provide more data
Cows? NO!
Coconuts? YES!
Hydrogen? Maybe.
If Renotec Not Safe? Don’t!
Reminds me of Works on Contingency No Money Down
Godzilla had a stroke
Who hired Charley Kelly as the chief of safety awareness?
Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does!
I declare diplomatic immunity
OK Google: how to use proper grammar for a question?