First i read 15 minutes and thought that’s kinda bad.
First i read 15 minutes and thought that’s kinda bad.
The craziest ad i have ever seen was this billboard around the time they tried to outlaw cigarettes commercials or something. They had an ad on the billboard that said: "no more cigarette advertisment? What’s next? No more sausage advertisements?
Every time i saw that i was just like: yes, obviously, is that an argument with someone?
I dislike this as much as the “fake food pictures” you see on commercials or advertising. Where all the food is plastic and shiny, mayonnaise is glue and all that shit to trick people.
You know that when it’s actually accidentally good somehow the first thing people do with it is to load it with linux
I’m a few years away to build my own handheld too. I have half the parts already. This sounds like some bs. There are already 10 good to okay handhelds available, what are they smoking?
I’m pretty sure they know they will never be able to “fix” the car, so they just hope that people give up.
If i ever wan tto know what Natalie Portman ate for breakfast, i’ll walk into the ocean
So he’s just breaking? What a silly thing to claim. I bet he’s not even regening a lot. When i ride up a mountain until my battery is down to 40% or so and ride down i regenerate around 1% or something. It might even be in the 0.6% or something
I think it just means that his boy elon van do whatever he wants with his shitty ai
Yeah, same with sugar, cigarettes and alcohol. Give these children what they want.
But liberty and justice is in the brainwash pledge that the kids have to do every day. It can’t be a lie can it?
But it has a apple logo and it browses facebook just fine.
Why would you run a lightbulb 24/7?
I wonder if they do the monkey writing shakespeare experiment but with code. If you keep letting it write code, something has to come out of it.
I like the idea of crypto, vut i hate crypto bros.
People who hate shitty unsafe cars?
Something kinda funny about people in the netherlands not caring about climate change.
People always clown on BMW drivers, Tessholes are the absolute worst.