Google made thier cached pages inaccessible though, better to check the way back machine.
Google made thier cached pages inaccessible though, better to check the way back machine.
Not as snazzy looking though
I doubt the production version will look that snazzy, I bet it’ll end up being much taller and look more like this:
I thought it was a game when I first saw the trailer and was mildly disappointed to find out it’s a movie 😅, still looking forward to watching it some time though.
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit from cm0002s screenshot is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
That’s not the source of the image, this post on reddit is older so it’s been circulating since before that, so probably not the person in the photo, but hard to tell with all the soap foam 😅
Just start again from scratch for every feature 🤣
Don’t need to use a wireless mouse, could probablyget a Bluetooth remote and set up an app to launch on startup or an operating that supports it.
I’ve not used these as I just use plex on my android tv, but they sound like they might work and will probably try them at some point as the android part of the tv seems to be getting slower with every update:
got laid off but were relatively wealthy enough to not have massive pressure to immediately start grinding a 9-5 again
Or they were grinding 996 to get something noteworthy and impressive on thier cv so they could get another good job and quit whatever it was they had to pick up to pay the bills in the mean time…
Can browsers run rust in the front end instead of javascript, or is it limited to build time and backend stuff?
Enforcement plans to monitor and locate “negative” social media discussion about the agency and its top officials, according to contract documents reviewed by The Intercept.
So I guess they’ll be most interested in people talking about:
Caleb Vitello
Kenneth Genalo
Jon Feere
Russell Hott
Robert Hammer
Susan C. Dunbar
Jennifer M. Fenton
Adam Loiacono
Jennifer Cleary
Also can they likely can’t be drafted / join their army?
Yeah I guess they wouldn’t be given dog tags or a gun etc, they’d just be given a shovel or similar 😅
-Saudi Arabia’s population figures are inflated since over 40% are foreigners-.
That’s not inflated, they’re still part of the population…
Gotta support the “defense” industry
Physically, it’s probably on your hdd or ssd. Or possibly just in ram or a data center somewhere 😜
Traded-in e-bikes will be sent for dismantling and recycling
Maybe they need the batteries for something else…
Just host it yourself?
There’s centrism and then there’s “centrism” 😅 (people who call themselves centrist and argue for acceptance of extremist right wing policies and “considering both sides of the argument”).
Also the whole idea of left, right and centrist is an overused often oversimplification for the purpose of forming in groups and out groups which is not constructive and leaves no room for nuances.
For the AI training data probably 😅
Also they started doing it way back in 2005, when they were just doing whatever thier engineers thought would be useful and ensure they kept market share of search. (before Prabhakar Raghavan took over)