My favorite was the story of John Backflip
My favorite was the story of John Backflip
Why do these fuckers spend so much time and effort trying to make things worse? Like there’s scapegoating immigrants because it’ll rile up your voter base and get you re-elected and then there’s shit like taking away lunch from kids. Like who does that even benefit?
I’m genuinely asking if they just get giddy with excitement at the thought of making things worse for other people.
Actually I don’t think it is. They’d have a license to use it in perpetuity but if they claimed legal ownership then they’d be responsible for what you post.
They get the benefits of ownership without any of the responsibility.
A buddy of mine worked in a theatre and told me that the film’s were all 1080P. I called bullshit. Those screens were huge they were clearly 4K. He showed me the reel and yup he was right.
If theatres don’t even bother with 4K, your TV doesn’t need 8K.
Even beyond this, the person of the year isn’t an accolade or appraisal; it’s supposed to be the person who influenced the world by the largest margin in a given year. Trump’s a rapist piece of shit but there’s no doubting his name has probably been used more often than Smith in the last 12 months.
I think it was google that fucked it up. The newest (as of a long time back) version of Android broke it and I had to install a separate app to get ACR working again. And it never recorded their end properly unless I was on speaker or their side was somehow audible through my mic. So stupid.
We’re beyond parody. These ghouls can spew this with a straight face and their little piggies will eat it up without a second thought.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If your site doesn’t work on Firefox your site doesn’t work. As web developers your job is to develop applications for the web not for one specific browser. This goes double for essential services.
The fact that shrink-wrapped agreements aren’t automatically void worldwide is a fucking abomination. No you shouldn’t get to push a legally binding contract on me after I paid for the product. It’s my property now and if you want to require a license agreement after the sale then I should be able to decline it for a full refund fuck you.
This, completely switching operating systems is not a reasonable solution to their minor problem.
A word, number or string that can be read the same backwards and forwards. Like 2112, 11/11/11, “A Toyotas a Toyota”, “Was it a cat I saw?”.
Furthermore, if the manufacturer wants to pretend that they’re selling you a perpetual license to use the hardware or whatever legal bullshit they came up with on the back of a cocktail napkin between lines of coke then they can’t advertise using the words buy, own or anything similar without explicitly indicating in the largest font that you aren’t the owner of the product.
Sounds like something the Department of Labour could legislate… Or could have.
But the supreme court just ruled that this falls under the courts jurisdiction and there’s a snowflakes chance in hell that a case pushed high and far enough will result in those ghouls will rule in favour of labour interests.
“We’re at now now”
One thing that always jumps out to me with each of these is that these videos are all just a sequence of 3 second clips stitched together.
I know all film consists of discrete shots edited into a larger piece but there’s something mechanical about these. Like I’m watching a slide show that’s just been placed in chronological order.
Pizza is always fucking insanely overpriced. I feel like this wasn’t always the case…
To quote Homer Simpson:
Lisa! If you don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American way.
As far as I recall, you need to perform 3 miracles that have to be verified (yes, I know lmao) by the Catholic church in order to be canonized (dubbed a saint).
Often times these aren’t major miracles with significant outcomes but picture a statue crying or the image of the person appearing on a slice of toast or whatever.
Some of those that work forces…
Oh you can guarantee they won’t forget how to vote 😃