Let’s not mince words, let’s mince the wealthy instead - quicker, and much more nutritious
Let’s not mince words, let’s mince the wealthy instead - quicker, and much more nutritious
Wow that’s incredibly weak holy shit
Thanks this made my day late evening
I fucking hate this melon guy, you know
Bit exciting m8 x
That’s not a very dull question, could you tone it down a bit?
Bold of you to assume a mere 50%
I got lost scrolling and now I can’t get out send help
How do you know ?
Yeah bro fuckin rolled for a mile and a half fucking hell
Well wasn’t this one built so that the wing wouldn’t fall off ?
Cool guess I’ll download anything I bought from Amazon before the cutoff then it’s been ages and I can’t remember what’s there o7
Yeah is this going to break calibre functionality? I remember using it to rip books from my kindle library but not how, exactly 🤔
My reaction to this whole year tbh
Good news everyone!
Grog no like ad. Grog want buy thing? Grog make up own mind. Grog not want ad tell grog what buy, what like. Grog know what grog like.
So much of the promo for the Tim and Eric mandatory attendance world tour 2020 has come true it’s fucking insane, man
Rip lol
What colour is that then maybe a nice light tiffany blue?