Call of Duty bans more than 14,000 cheaters in 24 hours::undefined
No matter how I think about it, I just can’t understand why anyone would waste time doing this
It’s just the feeling of superiority without actually having to be superior.
Oh hey, that’s why so many of them are also white supremacists and mysogynists
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Seems more like everyone else found out that you’re pretty rude.
Found the white supremacist and mysogynist
That doesnt make sense. Disagreing with someone that says Earth is a sphere because spheres are funny doesnt make you a flat earth beliver
In the words of a friend who used to cheat (and now regrets it), it felt nice to actually be able to win at something when life tends to hand you so many losses.
A lot of shitty things done by shitty people seems to stem from people feeling shitty about themselves 🙁
Can’t get a job, can’t get laid, can’t find a friend breeds resentment but instead of bettering themselves they want to make other people feel shitty too.
As a semi edge lord in my teen years I remember that feeling. And I remember how “good” it felt to watch FOX News because they were the one place that told me that everything shitty in the world was someone else’s fault, not mine.
It takes self reflection and growing up to get out of that shitty mindset that a lot of people don’t seem capable of doing 😕
But is it really a win?
Have you ever used cheats on single player games when that was still a thing developers put in games? I did, it was fun. That’s why.
I did that a couple of times, but it was more like “I don’t want to grind all of this stuff, I want to skip to the fun part”. Also, it’s morally different because it impacts nobody else.
Oh yes, I did it. But back at the time you had to wait months to finally have the cheatcode published on some magazine. And you just cheat on yourself, not other players.
BTW, nice times… 😀
As someone who is ashamed to admit that I used to hack in StarCraft: Brood War when I was 12, this is the answer. It’s fun.
Also I was absolute garbage at the game no matter how much I played, so I was trying to level the playing field a bit. Still got my ass handed to me over and over. Hacks can’t replace skill.
Hacks can’t replace skill.
They absolutely can.
There are some people who really have nothing else going on in their lives.
I hacked Zelda to because I’m not great at games but enjoy the story and I can progress the game at a reasonable pace without being overly frustrated. Also it doesn’t affect anyone else so it makes it ok.
Single-player games are a whole different thing. People should be able to play single-player in whatever way they prefer as it doesn’t impact anybody but themselves. Some games even come with “story-mode” difficulties and such for people just looking to enjoy the story and not looking for a challenge and that’s fine. Games used to come with cheat codes for the same purpose (well, for testing purposes initially but eventually for “play it whatever way you want”).
Is it still allowed when it’s a Nintendo game though?
Indeed it is, no one has to listen to the salty chuds at Nintendo, just make sure you’re blocking Nintendo domains on Atmosphere’s hosts file. Else they’ll put you in gay baby jail.
I have put into the jail too. I can’t access any of my switch games that I purchased in the past :(
I made like 20 of my own amibos and used them with fast forwarding time on my switch to enjoy botw. I’m just shit at games and it made for a more fun experience.
The banning or the cheating?
I’m pretty sure he means the cheating,
Some people just want to spread their pain onto others.
Cheaters really need to just fuck off and do something else with their lives. They are just sad assholes who can’t accomplish anything without cheating. With that lack of integrity, they’d make great CEOs. But with the lack of morality and stick-to-it-ness, I guess they’d fit better as middle management.
Games should make hacker servers or hacker zones where it’s free for all to change your game however you want it. I understand the fin in changing the gameplay of a game to make it new.
That’s been done before in Minecraft anarchy servers. The results are fascinating
What was the results?
Ever seen what a griefer can do to another players building? Imagine that but on a 100x larger scale
Look up fit-mc on YouTube, he has a ton of videos on the history of the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.
I would love a sneaky anti cheating system, where if you are detected the game behind the scenes starts making everyone else’s shot at you 100% headshots 😂 so there you are, trying to cheat, but you can’t get a single shot off because stray bullets are just homing at your noggen!
Or even better, it forces a banana suit on you, so you can carry on playing but everyone knows who you are.
I love the hilarousness of the idea, but unfortunately aimbots can just auto-fire at the first pixel, while humans won’t even register that you appeared for “long” milliseconds. However, if the game can force other people’s shots at you then I guess it can also force your shots to miss.
Some already do. You have what’s known as “cheater ques” or “cheater lobbies” where cheaters get shadowbanned to only play against other cheaters
Problem is, players reporting other players puts them along with the cheaters in the shadow ban servers. I’ve been shadow banned a number of times and it’s not fun and I don’t cheat.
Lmao. Sure. That’s the reason
Matchmaking works best when as many people as possible are in the pool to join your match.
Having everyone in the game on the official servers is the way to go and nobody should be modifying the game. It’s unfair.
I feel like the suggestion is more about harm reduction. If you can’t get the cheaters to behave, quarantine them.
I’d rather the freedom of dedicated servers, playing how we want and long after they abandoned the game or disabled matchmaking.
On the flip side, I’ve been called a hacker and reported (to no avail, thankfully) about 20-40% of the time after I make a semi-decent killshot.
Its not a hack, I can just see you very clearly when you’re running straight from point A to B without using cover. I didn’t use an aimbot, you’ve been standing in that one spot scrolling through your menu so I’ve had plenty of time to aim properly. I also didn’t use an invisibility hack, I’ve been waiting at that corner because I knew you would come charging past.
Then you aren’t one of the people I’m talking about. Personally, I take accusations of hacking or cheating as a compliment, because I know I’m clean and must have had a good game. Although sometimes dipshits will level accusations like that because I got them. Then I tell them to look at the game stats because I wouldn’t be 17-23 if I were cheating. The people who actually do cheat though, double fuck them.
Why say “in 24 hours” when it’s a ban wave. They detected the cheater long before “24h”.
Because it is semantics. Does a wave end or does it go on forever? The literal process to ban the identified cheaters was done within 24 hours. You could say the wave lasted 24 hours. No part of the article discusses how long ago they identified the cheaters.
“targeted and banned within 24 hours”
I get told I’m being semantic a noticeable about of times. Must be nice to know what information is apparently inconsequential.
I was falsely banned while playing the early access campaign. I put zero weight into these claims that they e banned x number of users.
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Lol, you need to play more games. Warframe will literally ban you for farming too much. CoD: Modern Warfare 2 false-banned thousands of players near launch. False bans happen a ton, it’s just that normally they get reversed in short order once someone complains.
Long ago there was an email from an MMO saying the player “cheated” for going into a high level area as a low level character and sucessfully looted from chests.
Warframe doesn’t ban you from the game, they just prevent you from trading for a bit.
Like errors would never happen…
Consumers like you are the reason they can get away with literal theft. When they have people like you who blindly trust their authority and judgement without any burden of proof, they can do anything they want. And yenno what? There’s nothing that’ll change your mind, because people like you (the steam forums have THOUSANDS) have knee-jerk reactions to cheating accusations.
For the record, I can still play MW19 and WZ1 on the banned account, and I can play MW2 Open weekends and WZ2/DMZ on a new (F2P) account on the same PC, with the same software and background programs, with the same motherboard and hardware. Their anti-cheat is broken as fuck.
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No, read it again. I’m saying that if I was actually cheating then it should have banned me from my other games.
Huh. Got a nonsense reply like this when I was ranting on reddit too. One person who suddenly claimed “so you just admitted you cheated” when theres nothing in the post about actually admitting cheating. A bot who cant read properly? 😂
I was instantly permabanned for adding RAM to my computer while having the game installed. First game I’ve ever been banned before. And instantly permanent? I would think there would be a warning at least! I wonder how many else are falsely banned… Because @[email protected] have a point, it used to be those who cheated who complained, and this makes it difficult for a faulty cheat detection to be picked up by the devs. More so when they think “they have fixed it” after the first time a wave got falsely banned.
I spent a day really angry about it, ranting on reddit. Was pretty shocked from it. Then I calmed down and figured I didnt enjoy that game enough to take it further.
That sucks man sorry to hear that. I spent a little bit longer than you ranting and raving lol. It wasn’t so much that I was upset about not being able to play, because honestly I didn’t like the game very much, but more that this massive corporation just stole $100 from me and there was literally no recourse. Never buying a single thing from Activision and their parent company again.
I play one specific game mode, I have a 4kd and can only get through a weekend of gaming before the report feature is abused and I get a 5 day shadowban. There are definitely some flaws with how they handle cheaters, and wouldn’t doubt these bans are all from f2p warzone cheaters, so yeah they will be right back to playing.
Eh, they’ll all be back tomorrow.
According to everyone you talk to in FPS games nobody ever cheats.
Like how in prison everyone there is innocent?
“…This feature gives developers the ability to deploy flagged decoys both as a deterrent for identified cheaters and as a method to detect suspicious players…”
Damn, that’s a convoluted genious-mind-game right there. Place a fake “elements of interest” for a cheater, see if they fall for it, run inferential statistics to determine if they significantly have an erratic behavior from the rest of the players, ban them if p < 0.05
I wonder if they’ll crackdown on the old titles as well. With the acquisition all but locked , I feel MS will try to promote a lot of the older titles on GamePass which will definitely experience a massive boost in popularity.
The ones caught were the idiots, how many more are there? Doesn’t sound like a fun time at all