I get it. High heels are hot. Tighten the calves. Lift the butt. Taller. More step on me energy. They’re hard to walk in. All valid points.
However, the sound of heels, its like an insecure toddler stomping down a hallway. Just imagine a normal pair of shoes doing the heel - toes slap. Clop clop clop. Cringe.
I think high heels look really stupid, not hot. They also look horribly uncomfortable. You would think that in 2023 we would be way past those outdated and horrible contraptions.
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I also think makeup is gross. Women think they look pretty, but they just look like clowns. I can understand covering a zit, or using it when you’re on camera or stage, but that’s the only reason you should use makeup.
What’s that sound???
What’s that sound???
I love that sound!
(It’s the sound of my shoes.)
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For some people that’s just a combination of their favorite things!
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They’re called sneakers for a reason.
High heels deform feet and cause nothing but issues with anatomy. Why the hell are they still a thing?
Because some women like them.
The sound of your footwear is too damn loud.
You’ve got my vote.
What I dont get is why cant they make them quiet? Is it by design, a “Hey look at me, Im wearing heels and my ass looks fabulous”? Or is it a technical reason?
I (male) had a pair of dress shoes that sounded a bit like high heels. You notice a lot of dudes turn their heads (or try to be more sneaky about looking) when your shoes make that noise. They were not stoked to see me instead.
I would guess the heel part has to be rigid and usually the surface area is smallish and the bottom surface of the heel probably can’t be too squishy either. I am guessing those things make at least the heel part louder. I have never worn them or studied them at length so maybe I am full of it lol. I have had mens dress shoes that were pretty loud too due to stiff materials.
Hard (wood) soles.
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How would you go about making non-clopping heels? (Protip: you’d better consider lateral stability in your design or you’re going to be breaking a fuckload of ankles.)
Loud shoes save lives!
I don’t mind high heels, but when they also have a plateu in the front that looks really bad 🤢 For some reason this is often portrayed as erotic or sexy, but IMO the design is like a brick. It’s like the wearer taped a brick to their foot. I don’t see how that’s supposed to look appealing. Also looks like an ankle breaker tbh.
Arent the heels just for resting on while standing?
When I was a teenager our dance team did all our rehearsals on the gym basketball floor. walking across that floor, you could hear every pound in our footstep. That’s when I trained myself to walk on my tippy toes. Light & quiet & invisible. I’ve been walking on my tippy toes for my entire life since then.
high heel shoes? It’s impossible to keep that back heel off the floor. Even on tippy toes. yeah those are noisy. I haven’t worn high heels in decades. I think they’re even out of style. Generation z does not even wear high heels, do they?