Priesthood was a religious answer for gay men historically, before more modern sects that are openly accepting. The modern non-denominational Christian churches are just cancer.
Priesthood was a religious answer for gay men historically, before more modern sects that are openly accepting. The modern non-denominational Christian churches are just cancer.
The three sample bullets aren’t bad. Embracing more traditional values like not being ashamed of your country (Trump does make it harder), appearing accessible to average citizens and admitting failures is a decent approach to engaging a base that feels ignored.
This should only be surprising to people who don’t know the stats. It’s almost 20% of graduates are functionally illiterate. There’s almost no schools where the bottom 5% of students are are close to competent in any subject.
Shooting and gun safety should be part of gym class for every student in the country.
Having a magical standard fairy waive a wand isn’t going to fix scripts, or stop them from breaking.
If something is common enough to be a standard it’s a standard.
Live chat is more plug and play than ever, but it’s still hard to compete with messenger being free and requires no ongoing support from your end.
This is a result of a very real doctors shortage that has been getting worse for years. There’s perverse incentives for doctors to also not choose to be a general practitioner. It’s lower paying and exposure to the same level of malpractice risk.
Yeah you shouldn’t have knees that close to the dash, unless you are 7ft and the seat can’t go back further.
You unstop a drain to make it go again. You unstop texts to make them go again. Seems fine to me.
Every war has had boots on the ground. Drones don’t really change the need to occupy space.
A generation of people used a comedian for news, and now they are mad it’s a different comedian.
There are reasons to pay 350k for a degree. Facebook only exists because Zuck went to Harvard. It wasn’t the education though, it’s the exposure to rich people. If you don’t do the networking though it’s a huge waste.
They get paid, so it’s more like serfs.
Facebook is only useful for the ancillary stuff. The main page and status updates have been monetized and engagement hacked to death.
Regular reminder that rules against politics are just rules against questioning the status quo.
It’s a little scammy to call it 2.2 and require new cables for functionality. That should be a 3.0 thing.
It’s an HSA, keep as much as you can in it. Use it for medical if you have too. Let it become functionally an IRA when you hit 65.
A lot of weddings end in divorce because those who get divorced get married more.
Alternatively it’s just switching adulterers.